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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. caliber66

    being there

    Si la chaussure aller...
  2. caliber66

    being there

    I'm listening to YHF to start the day, and "Reservations" is next. I'm going to enjoy listening to it (mostly because I know I'm right), but there's not nearly enough drunken violin.
  3. caliber66

    being there

    I listened to Being There yesterday. Definitely the best closer on a Wilco album to date.
  4. I have met no fewer than one of those people.
  5. I'm just sayin. What did Vishnu ever do that the Shinto guys are all like, "that's not for me, bro." It's not like Judas really did anything bad - in fact his actions actually served God's will, if that's what you believe - and yet he's pretty universally reviled. People are definitely up in arms over the A-Rod thing. p.s. I'd like to submit a petition to the moderators to change my name to "whiny bitch face," and also to change the associated affliction to "Mike Dunleavy Syndrome."
  6. You know what else is irrational? Giving a fuck about a bunch of guys throwing and hitting a ball around in a field.
  7. Certainly doing better than 3 for 29 would be a big start toward "coming through." Remember that we're talking about the Yankees here, who are distraught that there are seven year olds who live in a world in which the Yankees have never won a World Series. I don't know what it will take for Yankees fans to get off his back, although I understand their disappointment in his last two playoff series, and to some extent in his last three. There are also Red Sox fans who are never going to forgive him for not forcing the union to allow him to restructure his contract (completely irrational, I know)
  8. You're overlooking the fact that people are probably more down on the .133 and .071 than they are the .258 he put up in the 04 LCS, which isn't that great either. I'm sure just-worse-than-1-for-4 (19 for 79, or .241) is not quite what the Yankees expected from A-Rod in the playoffs when they hired him. Regardless of his past accomplishments, until he comes through in the playoffs, why would the Yankees and their fans cut him any slack?
  9. Nobody said it was logical. However, if he had batted .300 in the last couple playoff series, nobody would be calling him a bum. Okay, no reasonable person would be calling him a bum. Seriously, if A-rod had produced more in the 04 LCS, that "walk off" home run that Ortiz hit might not have ended the game. The point is, he makes $25M a year. He's not getting paid that money to go .133 and .071 in consecutive postseason series. Say what you want about a small sample size, but that's just shitty, and not what he's being paid for. If you're the highest paid, say, architect in your field, y
  10. Yeah, but as I recall (and someone will correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure), Ken did a lot of the drumming on YHF. Glenn rerecorded some of the drum parts, and added percussion, sound collage, etc.
  11. He was using "Shake it Off" and "Side with the Seeds" as examples of lyrically complex, not direct, songs.
  12. Add me to the list of those who couldn't live without onions & garlic. I'm headed out soon to pick up a couple pounds of onions for the cookout tomorrow. Kebabs, diced onions for hot dogs, probably some grilled onions. Everything we don't use tomorrow will go in a pot of chili.
  13. No apology necessary, Johnny B.
  14. Why would you have to use a thesaurus to come up with "precipice" - which is not plural, by the way, and not something one would find oneself "in." I think I learned that word in third grade. It refers to the edge of a cliff (or "brink") or, metaphorically, any dangerous situation. In this case, the reviewer extends the metaphor to refer to the artistic risks the band took on previous albums that are lacking on the new one. I'm with jethro - both reviews have merits. There are some very good songs on the album, but there are also some very trite lyrics. I wouldn't go so far as to call the a
  15. I did not realize Sarah was a fan of the Proclaimers. Happy birthday!
  16. Listening to Piper at the Gates of Dawn now, as I find that I don't have any Syd solo on my iPod. Piper will do.
  17. You have no idea how close to reality that is. Seriously.
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