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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. How is it that actual money is not funneled away from the people who own the rights to the music when one downloads a cd and doesn't pay for it? That, for me, is the crux of the issue. If you were going to buy the cd, and downloaded it instead, you took money from the artist. If you wouldn't have bought the cd, but downloaded it, you still got the benefit of the product without paying for it, and thereby deprived the owner of the music of his/its compensation. If you could recreate a cake in code, then you would have yourself a valid analogy.
  2. Why do we need to argue the semantics of what the guy did?
  3. That analogy only works if you're going into the studio and recreating the music yourself. Not in my opinion, no.
  4. I'm sure they mean that there's no evidence that this guy was not trying to advance any specific cause through his actions. That kind of terrorism.
  5. The grape analogy was made by the poster I was responding to. It doesn't work either way, but stealing is stealing, whatever name you want to give it.
  6. If you went out and bought the album, you would be paying money to the artist (yes, and the record company, i know). When you copy an album illegally, you deprive that artist (and record company, of course) of money. Yes, it is stealing. I download music, but I don't kid myself about what I'm doing. Just like when I'm exceeding the speed limit, I don't make up some euphemism to kid myself about the fact that I'm breaking the law. It's speeding. Just because I do it, doesn't mean it's not illegal.
  7. I just don't understand how people can make the claim that taking something that is offered for sale without paying for it, is not stealing. Rationalize it how you want, call it "sharing," but it's stealing. You may not be profiting from it, but you are still taking it from the person who owns it without paying for it. If you walk down by the river and pick a grape or two that belong to a farmer who would otherwise sell those grapes to a grocery store, you are absolutely stealing them from the farmer. If it's growing wild, it's not stealing. The music one downloads illegally (or copies illeg
  8. Anyone know when was the last time anyone pitched a ten-inning complete game?
  9. Nicky, I'm glad you're sure the kids will be alright. After all, they've only been known as rapists for a year. I'm sure everyone will just forget about it and move on. Time will tell, I suppose. You may be exaggerating a bit about the thousands of rapes that will be disbelieved simply because one woman made up a sexual assault. Now, I don't have a frame of reference, because I've neither raped anyone nor been raped, nor have I been falsely accused nor levied a false accusation. I don't imagine there's really any way of knowing just how this case will affect rape disclosure rates, so arguing
  10. Nappy, in the context of hair, means "kinky." Wooly, tightly curled, tangly, etc.
  11. And that is Mike Nifong's and the accuser's fault, not the fault of the three falsely accused students. There's no reason we can't talk about both.
  12. I don't think it's unreasonable to worry about the consequences these guys are going to have to face after more than a year of being accused, and convicted in the media, of a sex crime.
  13. You know what's awesome? Misdirection. Ficky, what you described is horrible, dispicable and deplorable, but it has nothing at all to do with the injustice visited upon the Duke lacrosse players, and how they cope with it.
  14. You seem to be implying that there are 300 million 18 to 20 year olds in America at any given time.
  15. He's not agreeing with his father in the reminiscing.
  16. Comparing Martin Luther King to Al fucking Sharpton is an abomination.
  17. Actually, I heard they hired the Lady Scarlet Knights to dance for them at their exoneration party.
  18. Two lacrosse players lived on my hall my first year of college. One was a total meathead asshole who got drunk every other night and pissed in his roommate's stereo one night. The other guy was a standup guy. We used to hang out all the time, and he bought us beer occasionally because he looked 30.
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