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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I'm speaking from the position of having taken thirty, perhaps forty-five, seconds to research this. Although I remember what a mess Jones was for part of last season, which is why I drafted Zumaya.
  2. Do you mean Todd "0.86 WHIP before today" Jones? I'm all for the Tigers yanking him and tossing Zumaya in there, though.
  3. That should totally come with a pair of wax liverlips.
  4. Probably when Jonesy's ERA climbs above the 2.16 it's at now after today's debacle. He had converted seven straight save opportunities before today...
  5. Ha! I have Zumaya, and was just checking his status today, dismayed that Jones still had a 0.00 ER$A. Ithink making it to one's ninth appearance without giving up a run (earned or otherwise) is pretty good, though, and you still have a chance to win.
  6. Actually an early mix from Abbey Road, off an "alternates" compilation I believe I got from Mystik Spiral way back in the early aughts.
  7. I'm so confused, do you like her music or not?
  8. #1) Seriously. #2) What is that orange blossom stuff? I am intrigued. #3) That's a lot of Unibroue.
  9. Why don't you put it another way so the people who didn't understand you the first two times can have another shot?
  10. That's more like it. [quote name='JUDE
  11. Crazy, I'm listening to "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" right now.
  12. Relax. Have a cup of coffee, go for a bike ride. Fold some shirts.
  13. Actually, I'm pretty sure that's your opinion also, but that's okay by me. It pains me that SWTS is probably my favorite song on Sky Blue Sky because of the guitar breakdown, which isn't usually my thing. I'm not interested in listening to jamband music again.
  14. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?s=&...st&p=858324 Good times. Personally, I hope they play "Dreamer in My Dreams," but know they won't. I'd settle for "Side with the Seeds."
  15. Yeah, I just wanted to say "da."
  16. Oh, me brudder and me da are foine. I've just stopped drinkin.
  17. Actually, the recording of that song is the only part of the LR show that's been released thus far.
  18. 'Cause people were just dying to get in there.
  19. Boo! I'm gonna go with "Chevy® Truck Commercial Song" by Johnny Cougar.
  20. Quantify for me how often that happens, and I'll include that in my calculation of how "illegal" it is.
  21. For as long as I can remember, "terrorism" has referred specifically to creating terror for the purpose of political gain or forwarding one's ideology. Referring to it as such, to the exlusion of even large-scale acts of violence whose express purpose is something other than the creation of terror, is not a deviation, as far as I'm concerned.
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