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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. So in one league tonight, i'm 9.0 IP, 0.00 ERA, 0.89 WHIP, 2 saves and one win. And in another league, I have Joel Zumaya and Tom Fucking Gordon.
  2. Any truth to the rumor that he's adding "(So Long as the Bees' Disappearance Doesn't Lead to the End of Society and, Perhaps Even Mankind Itself)" as a subtitle to "Wild Wild Life"?
  3. But...SOMEBODY...said EINSTEIN...said we ONLY have FOUR years LEFT!
  4. I knew from the title that this thread was going to mention face melting. Oh how I wish that phrase would go away.
  5. caliber66


    I like Straightaways a lot, too.
  6. Thorne said today that it was a misunderstanding. He apparently heard Mirabelli "joking" about the red stuff on Curt's sock being paint, as some kind of sarcastic clubhouse tomfoolery, and took it as fact.
  7. caliber66


    I like A.M. quite a lot, but Trace is much, much better.
  8. That was my next thought. edit: as for it being a bribe - if his offer persuaded one of the Royals' better players from sitting out the final, meaningless (for them) series (which I'm sure it didn't), and it affected the outcome of the season (which it did - it didn't matter for the Royals, but there were playoff implications for the Tigers and the Twins), then it could be construed as a bribe. Granted, the Royals are supposed to play their hardest in every game, but we all know it doesn't happen that way...
  9. I finished downloading and burning this morning, and dropped off the last of the tunes at the office today, and they are working out the playlist for the event. Everybody is very excited. A gigantic THANK YOU to everyone. You've come through with much more than we had any business hoping for, in two days no less. It looks like we have all that we need and more for the fashion show, and I'm looking forward to diving into the big pile of covers as soon as things calm down a bit around here. Thanks again!
  10. I don't think it's a stupid rule at all - basically it amounts to a bribe, if you want to look at it that way - but as I understand it, as soon as they figured out it wasn't allowed, the Twins asked the Royals to send the Dom back, and they complied. We'll see how baseball feels about that.
  11. Or, as we like to call it, the "Flaveyard."
  12. I'm a big fan, but as has been said, don't go into it thinking it's a Wilco-centric DVD.
  13. No, it's not all the same. It's lazy and it's sloppy and it's fucking disrespectful to the people he's asking to decipher that garbage. If the guy had been writing a poem, it would be comparable to the other stuff in the Tweedy lyric.
  14. It's one thing to nitpick about a single typo or grammatical error (that's my job here, btw). It's another entirely to point out that a poster (who is beginning a new thread, no less) doesn't know how to or care enough to use the shift key or even a single piece of punctuation, in order to put his paragraph into a readable format.
  15. I finished a pint of Chubby Hubby last night. I usually try to avoid dairy, but not this week.
  16. He looks like Crispin Glover. edit: "He" = Perry
  17. Probably a little too spicy for the Providence philanthropic crowd, but a good one nonetheless
  19. After Matsuzaka hit A-Rod, Joe Morgan COULD NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP (no, really) about how they don't teach you how to pitch inside in Japan, and that it's more difficult to pitch inside than outside (or high or whatever) because there's less of a margin for error. Which is somewhat valid, although if you have good command and good control, which Matsuzaka does, you should be able to hit your spots wherever they are. So basically what I'm saying is, I'm going to learn Spanish so I can watch ESPN games on SAP.
  20. [or so i "heard"]I'm pretty sure it was called "The Devil Wears Prada."[/or so i "heard"]
  21. How naive. He's rich, and has proven himself to be a self-important prick on at least one occasion. I don't know what's not to get.
  22. If you don't mind, I'd like to hear these. I swear, I was just thinking it should be pretty easy to track down a copy of Ike & Tina doing "Proud Mary," but I'll settle for Solomon Burke.
  23. I have the two that I've struck out, but would love to hear any/all of the ones that are left. I think we have DLO somewhere also, so don't knock yourself out on that one. Thanks!
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