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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. When I get one, can I have an Oink invite?
  2. I am listening to Uncle Tupelo's rendition of "Blue Eyes" from The Rare Essence of Uncle Tupelo. That song, and this version, kicks ass.
  3. The drinking age is lower in other countries than it is in the U.S. And anyone who has ever, in any way, derived any benefit from Volkswagen, is a Nazi sympathizer of the highest order.
  4. Nobody puts Nelsy in a corner?
  5. She's French, so she can drink at 13. FELIZ NAVIDAD!@
  6. Is there a single person living today and still associated with VW who was involved in exploitation of Jewish labor during WWII? Is sixty years enough separation? Good thing Wilco didn't sell a song to be used by the American Cotton Shippers' Association.
  7. Halcyon- I'll get you one after work, if no one else takes care of you before then. Imp the Gimp- PM me your friend's email address, and he'll get an invite from me today...
  8. Okay, we've got two pages here in the last hour or so. I'm looking at a pretty quiet day at work tomorrow, so I'd like all of you (Beltmann especially ) to put some serious time in on the late shift so I have something to keep me occupied. Rock over London, rock on Chicago. Gillette, the best a man can get.
  9. entropy- PM me your email address. ------------- RCZ has been invited.
  10. That's retarded. Actually, they sold a couple of their songs. I'm pretty sure they still own themselves.
  11. Selling your song to a nonprofit that helps runaway kids is hardly selling out. Besides, that song was WAY overplayed within a week of it coming out.
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