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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I was watching, and I didn't see anything at all on the first "balk." He might have flinched a bit on the second one, but the first time was conjured by the ump, I think. That said, maybe he doesn't throw that pitch to Delgado if he's not rattled by the balks (and maybe he does), but the homerun made it all moot.
  2. I tried to send an invite to the email address you gave me, and oink said somebody with that addy already had an account. I'll try it again...
  3. Funny, I was going to see if I could help jnick figure out why he's a troll, and there you go flying your own freak-troll flag. Bravo. Like I said, if you can't get beyond the fact that Wilco sold a song to be used in a commercial, and somebody discussed it on a message board, that is your failure, not the guys' who wrote the song. And I think that's sad, but it's something you're going to have to come to terms with.
  4. Or "Atomic Power," as performed by Uncle Tupelo.
  5. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?s=&...st&p=884382
  6. Hey hey hey, no need for Jay-bashing.
  7. Analogman took me to task for mentioning this thread in another thread, and now I'm taking him to task in this thread for taking me to task for mentioning this thread in another thread. I hope he doesn't take me to task in that other thread for taking him to task in this thread for taking me to task for mentioning this thread in another thread.
  8. Phaeton Sold for something like $110K. Basically a VW/Bentley hybrid.
  9. Have you priced a Phaeton, or are they not making that one anymore. Talk about sticker shock. I bet they're sending the money they make off their current sales back in time to try and keep Hitler from eating a bullet. See above. That's cool man, and I'm sorry. Many of the rest of us either can get past the principle, or instead don't feel that the principle applies to this situation.
  10. I agree with that, and that's what I've posted throughout this thread.
  11. Look, I'm on the other side of this one, but if you can't tell the difference between a band selling a t-shirt or a tote bag with their logo on it, and a band licensing its music to a corporation that has no other tie to the band than the pile of money they paid for the right to use the song in a commercial, then I'm not sure I can help you understand.
  12. And you didn't see anyone make a distinction between a band being popular and a band selling its songs for corporate use?
  13. Did you read the other posts in this thread?
  14. I don't like the song that much, and I'm not trying to be difficult, I promise. It just doesn't move me. Sorry.
  15. That is not what's at issue here, although it could be part of the problem as some see it.
  16. The discussion is absolutely a good thing, despite it getting a bit hysterical for the last couple of pages...
  17. Accuview contact lenses. Accuview, of course, is behind Darfur.
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