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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I always use the indefinite article as if I am reading the letters aloud. I have no idea how Messrs. Strunk & White would feel about it, but it feels right to me, so it must be right, because I'm always right. So "an RDBMS," but "a UPS."
  2. Cafeteria here at the hospital. They do a pretty good job, I just didn't want the salad. There's a right way and a wrong way to do that, but even if you do it right, it isn't right. But sitting should be less uncomfortable afterwards if you do it the right/wrong way as opposed to the wrong/wrong way.
  3. I had a shitty salad, which was my second choice. I should have gotten a shitty fajita from the shitty fajita bar in the cafeteria, but I feared the potential complications such a choice might impart to my afternoon.
  4. I have used the neti pot, and I think it does provide some benefit. It is a unique sensation, though, so prepare yourself for that.
  5. I don't think Barry hugged back while the kid was hugging him. He was pointing up at the sky. edit: I do think it was miscommunication, though.
  6. When he came around to the plate, his kid was holding up one finger, as if to say "you're number one," which I think Barry interpreted to mean, "point up at the sky, asshole."
  7. Does that include him calling Bob Costas a midget who knows shit about baseball?
  8. I'm sure that will be viewed as yet another personal attack, but well put.
  9. I am considering watching Hot Rod tonight. It looks like a trainwreck.
  10. Who here denied that Ryan Adams draws influence from Gram Parsons? That's pretty common knowledge, and is something less than what you allege.
  11. I am not going to reply to this thread.
  12. Did it get your attention? Defend your position with some examples, so people can engage you in the debate you long for.
  13. I'm sure nobody's mentioned this anywhere in the last 300 pages, but I prefer the original version of "Hey There Mrs. Lovely." Also, allow me to cast my vote (surprise, surprise) against the ridiculous stream of consciousness period bit.
  14. I think Selig's point is (and I'd be willing to cut him some slack regardless who was coming up on the record) that he has other things to do as the commissioner of MLB, and flying around the country for a month waiting for one guy to hit two home runs takes away from his ability to conduct business. Granted, it's a huge part of his job to do this kind of thing, but being away from the office indefinitely is tough on anyone.
  15. (It's okay, that made me hate myself a little bit, too.)
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