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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Yeah, he posted the video that still is from. Goes by "Sticky" I believe. And, uh, he has the death sentence on twelve systems, too.
  2. You know the zombie dude from your old avatar posts here from time to time, right?
  3. More entertaining, yes. More impressive, no. And you are ethically obligated not to steal Hitler's wallet.
  4. I am acquainted with one of his descendants. Good dude, but doesn't strike me as a chili guy. There's a family recipe for baked beans (true story), which may be the source of the SBDs you reference.
  5. Are the pigs floating behind the trees or what?
  6. I've known you for almost ten years (the fuck?), and I never knew you were British.
  7. I don't imagine that's the case if it was a partial lunar eclipse. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to see this one, as we're supposed to have snow all day.
  8. Funny, she doesn't look Fluish.
  9. Well, for starters, Canada has a land area of ~3.9 million square miles and a population of ~33 million, whereas the US has an area slightly less than Canada's and a population nearly ten times greater. There's a lot more opportunity for these kinds of things to happen.
  10. I swear, I entered this thread intending to make the same comparison. It would never work, though.
  11. Lyndon Johnson was from Texas. And he had three heart attacks, the last of which killed him. Winner.
  12. I don't understand that part. He killed himself during the shooting, so how did he do anything after? I guess maybe the other person received it afterwards?
  13. I'm just saying your new ride looks a bit more professionally shod, is all.
  14. Teeg caught the Katy, lef' me a mule to ride.
  15. You seem to think that ction will actually be going to these things.
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