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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. You mean besides during last night's episode?
  2. He's not going back just in his consciousness. His consciousness is traveling between the two times.
  3. I was just trying to be funny. But you're just as wrong as John Smith is in all this, so I guess I could try to dumb it down a little bit if you would prefer.
  4. i was expecting a much more articulate and flowing comeback than that.
  5. You could probably try to take it more personally that I disagree with you. Anyway, interesting information straight from the source, one way or another. Glad Jeff is feeling better.
  6. Not selective editing on my part, and I'm not suggesting the article is in anyone's words but Jeff Tweedy's. I'm suggesting that Jeff didn't write anything, but that he had a spoken conversation with an editor, who transcribed Jeff's words. The first two paragraphs are clearly exposition on the article that follows, and the fact that the last sentence references a conversation with Jeff re: the subjects covered in the article, suggests to me that the article itself is a digest of the conversation referred to in the preceding paragraphs.
  7. I can paint a Santa hat on a picture of the goat or Shawon Dunston if you think that would help.
  8. Getting in on this a little late, but a big Happy B-day to my little buddy big perm. You're the mountain lion's pajamas.
  9. I think two World Series victories in the last four years takes away a little bit of the sting.
  10. Dear mods: Please change 65days's member title to "wet blanket". Thank you in advance for your consideration. Best regards, caliber
  11. How do you find the pickup/acceleration to be on the Scion? Is it agile?
  12. My avatar is the Billy Buckner play from the 1986 World Series. I have painted Santa hats on all of the players and put the umpire calling the ball fair into a Santa suit.
  13. You are using the word "allot," which means "distribute" or "parcel out," as if it means the same thing as "a lot," which means "several."
  14. Dear. Mr. mathew: "Allot" does not mean what you think it means. Sincerely, caliber
  15. Can't believe I missed this yesterday!! Happy birthday buddy!!!!!
  16. Seriously? Hope Drew Carey got you something neat for your big day.
  17. Benjamin is also a son of Jacob, and would have been Aaron's greatX2 uncle.
  18. caliber66


    What is it with the people takin it so personally that some people don't like songs that they like themselves? The song just doesn't do anything for me. The best part about it is the little outro - but I'm trying to decide if I actually dig it, or if I'm just relieved because it means the song is just about over.
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