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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. So if somebody doesn't like a phrase Jeff has written, then that person is wrong to feel that way. Is that what you're implying?
  2. I was going to guess "desecrate," but now I think s/he probably means "decipher." Perhaps a combination of both.
  3. I sent a correction to the Meaning of Life entry at imdb (twice!), but they never acknowledged nor corrected shit.
  4. Hey, remember when Dale Murphy went to play for the Phillies? What was that about?
  5. I think the implication is (and I certainly could be wrong), if they hadn't sent away Tony Armas for Mike Stanley, they could have used him in bargaining for Pedro.
  6. It's not shallow if it's honest.
  7. I don't see what's hard to get about this. He's at an outdoor concert, it's raining, his socks are wet, and he would rather be hearing a song he likes more than "Via Chicago" if he's going to have to sit outside in the rain to listen.
  8. Well, I'd be okay with Shakespeare having trimmed a bunch of the stuff he wrote. Motherfucker was wordy. I'm a huge Jay fan, but I think he could lose a couple songs on Wide Swing Tremolo and I'd be just fine with it. I'm not sure I ever need to hear "Been Set Free" or "Way Down Watson" ever again. All four UT albums are required listening as far as I'm concerned.
  9. Fair enough. I guess I was conflating his UT experience with Son Volt. Gob Iron is pretty good stuff, but I didn't find it to be all that compelling after a couple listens.
  10. I thought Heidorn dropped out after Straightaways.
  11. It appears, unfortunately, that we will be sending our regrets.
  12. Does it have a plugin that doesn't cause Flash to use 100% of the processor? Because if it does, that may be reason enough for me to switch from Firefox.
  13. Because it doesn't make any sense? You are not alone. It is pretty bad, huh?
  14. The Edge will change his name to "Techniqually".
  15. Going back a little bit here, but I found this funny.
  16. I skip songs I don't want to listen to all the time. Do you mean deleting songs from cds? I can't imagine listening to something I don't want to listen to, just because I won't press "skip" on principle.
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