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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I'm pretty sure she's the bartender that, like, totally wanted me.
  2. Sorry to break the rhythm of the thread, but what the hell is wrong with Tom Hanks's acceptance speech from Philadelphia?
  3. Can someone tell me why the fuck people refer to Gary Matthews, Jr. as "Matthews Junior" when calling him by his last name? His last name is "Matthews" and just that works fine, unless you're making it clear you're referring to him and not his dad, which is pretty unnecessary when he's in the process of catching a line drive in a nationally televised baseball game.
  4. Do you still have Bud Dry out there? I drank one the morning of the first day of my senior year of high school, but haven't seen it around here in years.
  5. Damn, it grit you long enough to respond, gritty.
  6. How's everybody doing with the revelation that Kelly Clarkson likes to walk around the house naked? Everyone okay?
  7. I understand they've "reformed" but without the bassist chick.
  8. Tommy Shaw was "High Enough". I think that one was Scott Stapp.
  9. The dialog in Pulp Fiction is not very good.
  10. We boiled bratwursts in Tecate this weekend, then grilled them. They were pretty awesome. There's nothing wrong with cheap beer. It's just more fun to drink good stuff.
  11. David Eckstein plays in the AL East.
  12. Invites to me kicking you in the taint on monday.
  13. I don't have any other invites to spread around, but would love an invite to waffles, if someone has one. I might have been at oink, but I don't have any way of proving it...
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