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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. There are already at least two threads about this.
  2. Remembered in the history books ≠(necessarily) "influential" One need not sell a lot of records to be an influential artist. How many albums did Gram Parsons sell?
  3. Wilco is not the Velvet Underground. There's not a chick in the band, even if you count Pat.
  4. He means, if you have not seen Network yet, you should see it. Not really all that complicated.
  5. The fact that John Mellencamp's giant steaming turd of a commercial is included negates any possible honor for being on the list.
  6. Ryan Adams is clearly better at wearing argyle sweaters than anyone in Wilco, with the possible exception of Pat, who of course apprenticed under Ryan during the recording of Heartbreaker.
  7. You are reading far too much onto this.
  8. You're not being sensitive, you're just being stupid. He is saying that something that is a little bit country and a little bit modern is like Wilco (a little bit country) in designer clothes (a little bit modern). Nothing more to it than that.
  9. I was suggesting the knee-jerk "OMG hes making fun of Wilco" people were being hypersensitive, not you. I don't agree with your feelings about Ryan Adams, but that's not the point I was making. I'll let you and Chomps fight this one out, but I'll say that I tend to agree with him more. I'm not interested in anything Jim O'Rourke's written, but I'm quite a fan of some of his work with other people's stuff. I like a lot of what Ryan Adams has put out, but he could probably stand to filter his output a little more. Completely disagree that his music is "pretty typical 'insert lap steel here,
  10. What makes anyone think anything but that one line was about Wilco? It's total nonsense, just a guy goofing around with his guitar and making up a song. Talk about fucking hypersensitive.
  11. He implied as much with his smirk when he told Kate she wasn't his type when he gave her the dress to change into.
  12. It means that it's none of your business why we don't consider our Garmin a waste of money, and you should spend less time worrying about what other people use to get around unfamiliar places.
  13. It's a convenience, just like your "map" is to someone who otherwise would be navigating by sight.
  14. Yeah, that's what I figured. Still, if the guy wants to sell the thing on craigslist, he ought to be able to. There's no law against being a dick.
  15. I don't know that I had ever been in a car that had one before we got ours. It's pretty cool, and much better than mapquest (which is fine!). Mapquest : Garmin :: Tour book : Tour guide
  16. Why was the item flagged for removal? It's not illegal to sell autographed stuff, is it?
  17. His pastor said some pretty vile things. MSNBC can run them down for you if you look.
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