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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Hope there's some KY wresting scheduled for today.
  2. Yeah. Sorry, no exceptions. Wish I could play ball with you on this, but I can't. My hands are tied.
  3. Rockwell - "Somebody's Watching Me"
  4. Meh. If you don't like a song, press skip.
  5. Dammit. But yeah that's the one.
  6. Wasn't that the one that sampled Bo Diddley?
  7. I hope his anal fissure doesn't shoot his wife in the face.
  8. I would absolutely agree that Van Gogh would be a more experienced painter. I would disagree that he would necessarily produce a "better" piece of art than a novice. Thomas Kinkade is a quite accomplished and experienced painter and I'm not interested in looking at a single painting he has produced. Sure, intent is a huge part of the creation of art. Enjoyment may or may not take intent into consideration.
  9. Bad analogy, because if we're comparing trees falling to art, then there's going to be a lumberjack around to hear the sound of the falling tree. And the first person to experience a piece of art would be the artist, right? But yes, in order for the "merit" of a work of art to be judged, someone has to experience it.
  10. Pretty much all that's left to say is that the artistic merit of everything is up to the viewer/listener to decide for himself.
  11. If what is considered "good" art isn't subjective, then why are there so many schools/genres? Why isn't there a definitive answer for what is ideal? How can Picasso and Matisse and Pollack and Rembrandt all be considered masters? All that can be measured is how skillfully one can draw a line or feather a brush stroke (or strike a chord). You cannot quantify how something moves someone who experiences art. To suggest that popularity should be used as a guide would make Britney Spears the greatest musician of her generation. To say it is those who know the most about music who decide cannot expl
  12. We're gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.
  13. Meaning there's no accounting for taste, or to each his own, or that it's all subjective.
  14. Jeff Tweedy is a more skillful and more practiced guitar player than someone who is just picking up the instrument. Whether or not he makes more pleasing sounds with his guitar than a novice is up to the listener to decide.
  15. Why would you continue to come into a thread that is clearly so distressing to you? Are you one of those people that picks at your scabs and tells people how much it hurts when you do it? It's a lot easier to ignore this kind of thread than it is to get people to stop doing what's bothering you.
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