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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Much ado about nothing, as far as I'm concerned. Pitchers get their hands dirty. They do stand in the middle of an 18' diameter circle of dirt, and throw balls which have been rubbed with mud, after all. The only thing that's at all fishy to me is that he says the umpires didn't ask him to wash his hands, and the umpires say they did.
  2. Jay Farrar as announcer? Maybe he could write the theme music for the DVD. Let Mike Heidorn do the talking. The hell you say.
  3. I like the Beatles. Yeah. That dude learned to speak Icelandic in a week.
  4. They were in favor of the war in Afghanistan, which was focused on the guy who ordered the 9/11 hijackings. They were not for the war in Iraq.
  5. If it means literally what it means, then it's patronizing. To suggest that just because you "got it" after repeated listens means that someone else will have the same experience, as if they are not listening to it the right way, is a big fat fucking pile of condescension.
  6. Actually, based on the Sports Illustrated article on Pat Tillman's death from a couple months ago, that's pretty much exactly what I would expect from Kevin Tillman.
  7. You sound like some guy who used to post here, and used to be nicer.
  8. You sound like some guy who used to post here.
  9. And Kevin, I'm so not splotchy. Or blotchy, whatever.
  10. Man, that Catullus sure knew how to insult a brother.
  11. To get this thread back on topic I dropped a class in college that had something to do with the Yanomamo.
  12. Yeah, I think it's a little too spread out, and once they get all this "what happened to everybody after the hatch imploded" plot stuff, we'll get to some more interesting developments...
  13. You're saying that's a wig under there, right?
  14. If there is ever an Animal House 30 years later made-for-TV movie, and he doesn't play D-Day, I'm going to cut someone. [quote name='sean
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