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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I don't really have a problem with David Fricke. He's got big teeth, and he seems like sort of a goofball, but he's alright by me.
  2. If you actually served as a medium, wouldn't you know how to spell "s
  3. Sure, I'll bite. I take XL, and prefer something in a mauve or fuchsia.
  4. Did you have to use an imaginary cup? How does that work?
  5. You misspelled "Groundhog Day."
  6. I guess I could be your sidekick. I guess I just want you to know I appreciate your support. I guess we don't need sidekicks. Maybe the world doesn't need sidekicks anymore. Maybe we've moved past that.
  7. Just listened to it. Not really a fan. It's definitely "right myself."
  8. Sounded pretty sweet to me. That's probably my favorite Band song, too.
  9. That's a pretty hardcore way to squash a bug, if you ask me.
  10. My ghost story, which everyone here has heard, I'm sure, involves some kind of entity locking me and the woman who would become my wife in the basement. She will deny it, but something threw the bolt that locked us down there, and it wasn't a cat. Also, when I was a kid, I thought I saw a ghost (I told everyone it was a "spectre" because I thought that sounded cooler) when I was putting down the door to our garage, but on further inspection, it turned out it was just the reflection of my shadow off the dryer. And in high school, on the eve of a school trip to the east coast, just as I was
  11. Oh snap. That ghost is totally going to come and haunt your ass up now.
  12. Well, that's disappointing. I was hoping for a long-term Hatfield-McCoy thing. Thanks for clarifying your position.
  13. I'm kidding, but I'm not. I'm seriously on the verge of a heart attack when I'm down there, and the way the stairs creak and shift, it sounds like someone's walking up behind you, but when you turn around THERE'S NOBODY THERE.
  14. Okay, seriously. I'll come down there and kill your cockroaches if you'll come up to Providence and clear the basement of the ghosts that walk up behind me on the stairs when I'm getting the laundry. Even trade.
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