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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you, unless he has the most remarkably wrinkled hemorrhoids known to science.
  2. Celebration is awesome. If you like IPA, go buy yourself a case. I'm surprised it's out yet, though...
  3. Oh, Jawbone, when did you first go wrong? Oh, Jawbone, where is it you belong? Three time loser, you'll never learn, Lay down your tools before you burn. Ya keep on runnin' and hidin' your face, spreadin' your heat all over the place. I'm a thief and I dig it! I'm up on a beef, I'm gonna rig it! I'm a thief and I dig it! Oh, Jawbone, why don't cha sit and moan? Oh, Jawbone, you know that it's stone for stone. Sneak through the night upon your toes, To look in your eye, it never shows. Your name upon the post office wall, Put you on edge 'cause they wrote it too small! I'm a thief and I d
  4. Yeah, good stuff there. This new shit is inexcusable, though.
  5. I read the title of this thread as "Hot Lunch League," which would be something else entirely. I had a similar response typed, but considering all the awards in the article were team awards, not league awards, bobbo has a point. Papelbon had a pretty special season regardless, however.
  6. This just in: sky "cougar" flynn is actually John Mellencamp.
  7. That new song of his that plays during every commercial break during every football game is just the most dreadful piece of pseudo-patriotic schlock since Lee Greenwood. Between that and his boring and horrifically overplayed cover of "Wild Night" with that bald bassist chick, he is now officially dead to me.
  8. He's the guy I've got on my bench tonight because Marc Bulger is totally going to get me more than 2.7 points earlier today.
  9. Deer GiaNts: Stop giving the fucking ball to brandon fucking Jacobs. Thx.
  10. I suppose that's possible, but that Pam ran out into the parking lot, rather than hiding behind her bodyguards (where were they?) or security, and the fact that Borat was not torn limb from limb by 40 basement-dwellers there to get Pam to sign her centerfold, lead me to believe that the whole thing was staged. I have no inside knowlege to support or refute this, however.
  11. Not so much Brewers 1987 (pre-Shef) - 97 wins 1988 (post-Shef) - 87 1989 - 74 Padres 1991 - 84 1992 - 82 Marlins 1992 - N/A 1993 - 64 1994 - 51 Dodgers 1997 - 88 1998 - 83 1999 - 77 Braves 2001 - 88 2002 - 101 2003 - 101 Yankees 2003 - 101 2004 - 101 2005 - 95 So exactly once in his career has his new team had a better record than in the previous season.
  12. As I recall, the mix on the "pre-release" AGIB was exactly the same as the released version, except the downloadable version was lossy. There was a bunch of speculation about whether they would be demo or final versions beforehand, though.
  13. I saw the movie. A couple of parts (end of the dinner party, fight over the magazine) were out of this world funny, but I was a little disappointed overall. All the stuff about Pamela Anderson seemed forced, and the scene with her was clearly staged. Still, a very funny movie, and Sacha Baron Cohen is one funny motherfucker.
  14. Sorry to step on your nerdhood, but it really should be "inlitterati," too.
  15. Pretty sure that's not the case. As far as deleting the files from my computer, I can't find them. I'm going to try restarting later, but for now, I'm content with The Band. Still, if anyone can provide any insight into why this would happen, I'd appreciate it.
  16. So I came into work today with a few cds because it's going to be a quiet day here in the office. I started with Being There, disc one, which worked great, but when I switched to disc two, Windows Media Player started playing "Misunderstood" again. So I closed all the windows and ejected the disc, then reinserted it. "Misunderstood" again. So I closed all the windows, ejected the disc, put in a different cd, played a song, closed all the widows, ejected the new cd, reinserted disc two. "Misunderstood" again. So I kicked a hole in the wall. "Misunderstood" again. Threw the monitor off the roof,
  17. They also cropped out her eyebrows! OMGOMG
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