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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. He was born before he was named. And I'm sure you wouldn't vote for him because of his politics, but anyone who bases their vote for a candidate based on the candidate's name (any one of them) is retarded.
  2. I noticed that, too. But was she ever on the payroll for the work she did on healthcare reform? Clearly, her career has benefitted from being married to Bill Clinton, but I don't know that she was compensated financially...
  3. I would like to hear this. Ditto.
  4. I'm going to go out on a limb and say "because he feels like it."
  5. Is that Charlie Steiner calling it for ESPN?
  6. I think you've pretty much answered the question. It's a fun song, but it's one Billy wrote the music for, so Wilco doesn't play it live.
  7. Yeah, I thought that one had some real potential.
  8. Soccer is the world's most popular sport because all you need to play it is a ball and a (relatively) flat space, and you can play a meaningful, competitive game with a small number of players.
  9. btw, I'm really not that hairy. I'd hate it if that got in the way.
  10. Well, that got interesting quickly.
  11. Do you have a habit of watching all 850 channels at once?
  12. I really don't like soccer that much, so you should probably leave me out of this.
  13. I think the implication is that the money stays in the hands of few, while most of the native hoi polloi don't see any of it.
  14. The daughter of my Algebra II teacher, who used to substitute for her mother (and others) from time to time, and who was SMOKIN hot (the daughter, not the mother), is married to John Harkes. edit: I realize this has no relevance to anything, which is pretty much how I feel about MLS.
  15. Well, Bush actually campaigned for Chaffee against Steve Laffey, his Republican opponent in the primary up here. He was voted out not because people were fed up with his politics, but because he's a Republican, and Rhode Island voters didn't want to perpetuate the Republican majority in the Senate simply because Linc Chaffee is a good guy. Had he jumped to the Dems, or likely even just disaffiliated with the Republican Party and gone independent, he would still have his seat.
  16. He's also been making the talk show rounds. He was on The Daily Show, and I heard him on NPR also. Dunno what else he has planned...
  17. Only if he's deep fried first. What a legacy. RIP, Noodle-sama
  18. You define for what was wrong with 80's message board posting!
  19. They define for what was right with 80's music!
  20. If there were a more legitimate system in place, I might actually start watching college football again. Then again, perhaps not. Seconds of postseason college football watched this year by me: big fat goose egg.
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