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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I see what you're saying, and this situation does nothing but reinforce how fucked up the BCS is.
  2. Rivalry, shmivalry. It should be about the two best teams in college football playing each other, period. That's the whole point of the BCS, right? [Yes, I know it's about money]
  3. Why? Because you don't? I should preface (or postface) this by saying that I really don't care about college football much. It just seems odd to me that the two teams that everybody pretty much agrees are the two best teams in college football would be denied the chance to play each other in the title game, simply because they have already played themselves this season. Why have a title game at all, if you're going to decide in November? If Michigan is still the second-best team in the nation, and they have already gone into OSU's house and played them to within three points, I don't see why
  4. Michigan lost, by three points, in Columbus. They say oddsmakers automatically add three points to the home team before figuring out spreads, so call it a tie. If they met again, at a neutral location, it would be like a rubber match, even though they've only played once.
  5. I know all of you are dying to know that my philosophical dispute with Samuel Smith appears to have resolved itself, as I saw a pile of Taddy Porter at one of the local liquor stores this weekend. I guess our VA distributor decided to drop it, as it is clearly still making it to the States. Whew.
  6. I find it much more amazing that they are offering $10M to Gary Matthew's penis.
  7. Bellhaven. First time I've ever seen it in draught cans. Excellent.
  8. While that's a little egregious, there also weren't 400 bowl games back in the early 70s, so you could have a team go 10-1 and still miss out on a bowl.
  9. Everything I've read says that if the Red Sox don't sign him, he's ineligible to play in the US until next year, but I could be wrong. Also, put all the credence you want in what people say players are "worth," but those are general figures and don't take into account team need. Matsuzaka is clearly worth more to the Red Sox than a lot of other teams, and they are consequently willing to pay more. It doesn't matter to them what $ figure David Gassko puts on him.
  10. Not likely, since that's Latin, and Peter Cetera is Polish. "Cetera," of course, is a form of "ceterus, -a, -um," but as far as I know, the Latin word and the Polish surname are unrelated. Santorum, on the other hand, comes directly from Latin, and means "of the saints."
  11. I bet, if the Red Sox post $51M for the right to talk to Matsuzaka, and then fuck him by sending him back to Japan for a year (which is what will happen if they don't agree to terms), then they won't have a serious chance of signing a Japanese star for quite some time. That, to me, makes them making an honest attempt at signing him a much more viable possibility than just blocking the Yankees from signing him.
  12. Most dogs that eat dog food do.
  13. John and Jay were musical collaborators for quite a while, so it's possible that the song came from earlier sessions. I believe they are still in touch, however.
  14. I've been having the same problem cryptique's talking about. It's going on now, and happens both at work and at home...
  15. Either that, or as I said, they are some wrinkly, swollen hemorrhoids.
  16. If you hear from Dustin Diamond's agent that fifteen studios are courting him for lead roles in major summer blockbusters, do you believe him or wait for independent confirmation? edit: of course there's interest - he's Barry (fucking) Bonds. I'm just going to take anything his agent says with one gigantic grain of salt. Or a pair of wrinkly hemorrhoids.
  17. No, really? The agent who is trying to sell his client is saying there's a lot of interest? Give me an unbiased source, and I'll put a little more credence in the claim...
  18. He didn't say he'd be wearing a scarf and ironic tee.
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