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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. While I am the "ultimate" caliber, I'm not so much into the physical retaliation these days, so I'd prefer if you'd leave me out of these things.
  2. I am a big fan of smoked almonds and slivered toasted almonds. Never had orange spiced almonds, but they sound pretty mindblowing, so I think they'll be right up your alley.
  3. I went to an interview that was just like that one before I found my current gig. Seriously, it was fucking exactly the same, except it was different crappy music. Every time they called (and they called a BUNCH of times after I stopped responding), there was cheering (canned, I assume) in the background.
  4. I would go with the Southern Comfort, rather than vodka, for breakfast.
  5. That's lovely. While we're on the subject of the Founding Fathers, were you aware that four of the first six Presidents were from Virginia? You know, Monticello? Montpelier? Mount fucking Vernon?
  6. One thing I would like to know is what "gripe water" is.
  7. Not even remotely. Just saying you don't need to worry about whether or not he's making fun of you. "good morning, good morning, that guy can go to hell" and all that.
  8. Brooklyn sent me a live George Harrison show once. With artwork.
  9. He's just some guy on the internet, too.
  10. I have noticed that your monkey doesn't smoke and bobbobolantern's does. Are you trying to make a statement?
  11. [something witty about not wanting a fatwa on my head]
  12. Personally, I think the crowd should yell whatever the F they want. But I always think that.
  13. Creutzfeldt-Jakob? Creutzfeldt-Jakob?
  14. Are you wearing pants in that photo?
  15. I'm mocking my work, not yours, dear.
  16. Thanks. I don't like to toot my own horn, but "beep beep," man. It's probably up there in the best things ever done by anybody.
  17. Well, I had this letter, right? And it was just about perfect, but when we put a letterhead on there, it totally wrecked the whole presentation, sent it to two pages, just a complete disaster. So I swooped in, adjusted some margins and made a couple very precise cuts to the text and, voi-friggin-la, disaster averted. Didn't have to change the font size at all, which would have caused all sorts of problems I don't even want to think about. It was a thing of beauty, really.
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