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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I did some things with a nonprofit solicitation letter that I'm pretty damn proud of.
  2. So I made some changes that I'm pretty happy with, and I didn't have to sacrifice much content, NOR did I have to adjust the margins any more than I already had. I'm quite relieved. And it's "bated," Mr. College.
  3. The margins are already about as extended as I'm comfortable making them, but omg, I think I may have worked out a solution. I'll keep you guys posted.
  4. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT EFFECT THAT WOULD HAVE ON THE MARGINS? DO YOU?? I don't think you've fully considered the repercussions of your advice. If we go to 11 (not to mention bloody 12!), I'm gonna have to either adjust the margins (further), or cut some content, and it's pretty goddamn concise right about now, so you're looking at comically wide margins or cutting some pretty choice, meaty bits. I'm just not sure that's going to happen at this point. This is quite the conundrum. I do thank you for you input, however, Miss Fickleson. I will take it under advisement.
  5. I think you're probably right.
  6. Jess, what do you think about 10 pt TNR? Too minuscule?
  7. I once made a mix CD for one of the mix exchanges around here titled "Babylon, All My Hair Is Gone," with a balding Jamaican on the cover. It was not well-received. carlos, do you think 10 pt TNR is too small a font for a non-profit solicitation letter?
  8. I don't know how long you've been in Texas, but I went to the Luby's that that guy drove his truck through in like 90-91. The guy drove his truck through it in that time span, I mean. Sometime during those years, not for the entire duration. I went sometime earlier, when we still lived in Killeen. Harker Heights, actually, but Killeen was where the Luby's was. Or is, for all I know. I don't recall tipping, but I was in my early teens and unconcerned with such things at that point. I probably had some mashed potatoes, though.
  9. Fox News has changed their indicators. R now stands for "righteous" and D stands for "dickbag."
  10. No more than the dancing dreadlock bikini chick did, but I liked her better, frankly.
  11. Dunno. Neither he, nor I, live in Centreville anymore.
  12. That badger is under control.
  13. Yeah, they mentioned it at the end of last night's showing...
  14. And I do, very much. As you know.
  15. I think they should make their new tagline "Mr. Stevens (nee Stewart) is teh smartest!!"
  16. I'm the dude that used to sing for Survivor, and now I shill for Bud Light. And you are?
  17. Did I mention I'm important?
  18. Gun is the best pop song from the first half of the 1990s. Hands down. Gun New Madrid Acuff Rose Wait Up Wherever and, um, We've Been Had
  19. I read that as "horny." Also, I voted.
  20. A fraternity brother and I developed a full-length CD that consisted of nothing other than the first 2-8 seconds (at random) of "Shake Your Love" for our pledges during Hell Week. It worked. I remember Ministry being effective during my own Hell Week, as well as the Animaniacs sing the US Capitals and countries of the world.
  21. As it happens, I've just come across some reverb here in my pocket...
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