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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I wouldn't have forgotten to end my sentence with a period.
  2. I would say you should, unless you're not certain your intestinal issues (heh) were a result of your drinking the hefe. They probably just need to clean out their system (heh again) and make sure there's no bacteria in the lines.
  3. Believe me, if I knew what compelled people to so badly butcher English grammar, I'd be doing more to put a stop to it. Simple ignorance, I'm sure. I'm not nearly as grumpy as everyone seems to think. In fact, I closed a recent communique to some people with whom I'm acquainted with the following: "Hey, everybody have a groovy week and go find a bunny to hug, okay?" Grumpy? Nah.
  4. I think [take your pick] just fainted.
  5. It is imperative that you make fun of your roommate if he can't tell you're doing it. From the Red Baron website: Red Baron
  6. "Buy some cotton candy, kid, or I'll eat your soul."
  7. There is not a jury on earth that would convict you.
  8. That was more of an "Aha, I caught you trying to pull a fast one, but I'm smarter than that" rhetorical-type question than an actual interrogative. As far as I know, business carries on as usual in any case.
  9. I pissed off a lot of my fraternity brothers running around screaming "Eyyyy, it's da Poppppppppaaaaaa" at them (mostly while drunk, sometimes not).
  10. Yeah, it seems unlikely that it would cause polluters to clean up their act, but there's no way in hell I'll get on board with this thing unless there's some kind of plan for what happens if they do. Like you said, it's a great plan, in theory.
  11. Hey, I was letting it go, and only responded to a specific question.
  12. You are a worthy adversary. Well done. "B-U-F-F-O-O-N-E-R-Y" You played Silver Strike, didn't you?
  13. I refuse to get excited until they take that "hopefully" shit out of there.
  14. "Music snobs across the globe agree to just let people like what they like"
  15. There's a Gilgamesh movie in pre-production. I'm probably the only person in the world who can't wait for this to come out.
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