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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Sometimes that works for clearing the head.
  2. Aside from the form asking for one, and the guy who asked for a Chi ZIP living in Australia, probably not much.
  3. It's not time travel, it's alternate universes merging, I think. They are flashes sideways, not forward/back.
  4. I think you're being a little hard on the guy and reading his statement more literally than he intended. I can relate to his predicament, as I had everything-induced insomnia while at college, and there were times that I hated the fact I was at UVA despite recognizing that it was a great privilege not available to everyone. I (really) hate brussels sprouts, too, but that doesn't mean I'm disparaging those who can't get 'em.
  5. Yeah, I think we could all stand to lighten up a bit on Ed.
  6. I thought Blue Thunder was pretty badass when I was a kid.
  7. 1. So Radiohead's label is putting out a greatest hits album. So what? 2. "annuls"
  8. I'm later than you are, sister. Happy birthday, renic!
  9. Sorry I missed this, Fluffy. Happy belated.
  10. I would have said Lawnmower Man.
  11. He was forced to testify under oath. Knowing Clemens would deny his allegations, saving evidence of Clemens's willful participation protects McNamee from the defamation lawsuit Clemens has in the works.
  12. Seems to me, if he tells Roger that he has evidence that he injected him with steroids, Roger is less likely to sell him out as a pusher.
  13. Yeah. I think the announcers mentioned he was in the tunnel, but I was in a very loud place, so I'm not sure. He should have stayed out there for the end of the game. Maybe he was trying to teach Randy Moss something.
  14. Fuckin A Fuckin A He ran across the field to shake Coughlan's hand. Was he supposed to do it again? Seriously. If someone could put Mercury Morris on the next Space Station payload and send him out to Aldebaran, I wouldn't miss him.
  15. Direct result of Clinton lying about getting mouth sex from Monica Lewinsky? He has to apologize to Hillary. Direct result of Bush lying about WMD in Iraq? Combat deaths of thousands of U.S. soldiers and collateral deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians. Regardless of how many laws were actually broken, which would you say has farther-reaching repercussions for a greater number of people?
  16. Because they aren't Wilco albums?
  17. It's pretty much assured that teams from New York and Boston won't be in the NBA Finals. Also, if you want to see something besides New York and Boston teams in sports finals, you should urge teams from other parts of the country to win more games and - this is just as, if not more, critical - to win in the playoffs.
  18. Only because of the laws of the time, my friend.
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