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H-Bomb Henry

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Posts posted by H-Bomb Henry

  1. Warren Buffett is one of the most charitably people in the world. What the hell are you trying to say here.


    I know Warren has a nice gimmick going with his connections to the Gates foundation.


    I'm just saying I don't think Warren is going going to be sponsering any Little League baseball teams in the St. Louis area.

  2. I'm sure Warren Buffet and the rest of the rich fooks profiting off this sale will make up for the loss of charitible donations.


    I feel like we are in the middle of a class war in this country. I wish Bush would reinstate the draft so the middle class can pull themselves away from text messaging and their suv's.

  3. NBA Championship


    It's a shame that Garnett, Kobe and Lebron didn't make at least one attempt at college. I'm really suprised that there is this much interest in the NBA. I've attended one NBA game and will never return. I see more effort exerted in a pick up game with a bunch of washed up high school players.

  4. Kevin Youkilis almost single-handedly took the park over yesterday by purchasing 140 tix for friends/family.


    I'm almost suprised Youkilis didn't take a curtain call when he hit that homerun on Saturday.


    You know it's a bad weekend when your team gives up two homeruns to Cocoo Crisp. His day is coming though. I look for the Devil Rays to put one in his ear in a couple weeks.

  5. Can someone please inform me...Did Hillary agree with not counting delegates from Mich and Florida or did she just agree not to campaign there? Either way I still think she will stop at nothing to be elected.

  6. That looks like it would go well with this:



    That's what I was thinking....shouldn't that have a #3 on it. It's nice to see that they are now making Red Sox hats like Nascar...it won't be long now until they are the most hated franchise in sports....along with the Pats.

  7. The crazy friend who drinks all your beer, screws your girlfriend and wrecks your car.


    This doesn't suprise me. Indiana is a state that is so stuck in the past and can't think outside the box. To steal a line from James McMurtry The "Mason Dumbass" line should be moved to about Lafayette.

  8. I've really enjoyed how Hillary is trying to change the way the nomination process works this past week. She will stop at nothing to be elected.


    I don't think that Obama will change as much as he hopes in office...but I do know that 20 of my 30 years have been ruled by either a Clinton or a Bush. Then after 8 years of Hillary we will probably be setup for Chelsey.


    I hope my home state can right this ship.

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