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Everything posted by ben

  1. What I don't understand is that Johnny Cash recorded this many years before Wilco's version, and while it is different, it's not that different. The melody is very similar. Yet, the story is that Jeff discovered the lyrics and thought it was Woody Guthry's, and proceeded to write chords/melody for it. Clearly he would have had to have heard earlier versions of it.
  2. My god do I want to go to this. I'm going to be away, but I would have flown in from NY to see this. Just to see scratch acid would be worth it.
  3. I think Time Magazine gave it its name in an article. My recolection from an article I read was that until WWII, WWI was just known as "the war". Congress is the one that gets to make it official in our country as to when it's a war. But the term World War is just what the media called it.
  4. Am I the only one who thought that a high school newspaper could have done a more hard hitting interview than Mike Wallace?
  5. It really is sad. I am unbending in my support of Israel, and I 100% believe that what they are doing is the right thing. However, I do recognize that the majority of Arabs just want to get up in the morning, work, raise their families and not have bombs dropping on them. It is fucked.
  6. Maybe they should stop using innocents as human shields. They know Israel's mission is to take out the sites from which they launch weapons, yet they continue to launch them from civilian areas. They don't care about their own people, yet Israel is expected to. Kind of strange.
  7. I happen to be a matrimonial lawyer in NYC. If you are in the area and need a little bit of free advice you can PM me.
  8. Fine I won't say it. But if you read my prior post I do some explaining of my position and the Arab/Nazi connection. In addition, what does this have to do with the "Jewish holocaust"? It has everything to do with it. The greatest lesson the Jewish people learned is that they must take it upon themselves to protect themselves from those who will destroy them. Remember, the official mission of Hamas is to rid the world of Israel. Not to co-exist in peace.
  9. Well, your brilliant statement that Jewish people shouldn't point to the Holocaust as a lesson does wonders for your position.
  10. How can you say that? The holocaust wasn't that long ago, and wasn't that far away. For plenty of family's (including mine) in the Jewish community, the wounds are just as real now as they were back then. You are clearly not a Jew, and can never understand. Just stick to your "ain't I cool" position, I'm sure the chicks dig it. Also, why don't you do a little research on the Arab/Nazi connection. Start with Grand Mifti Husseini. One of the most powerful Arab leaders in history. The one that Arafat called "our greatest hero".
  11. Amen Amen Amen, that speech is exactly what needed to be said.
  12. For a very long time I thought I liked Eric Clapton. Then I came to teh realization that everything he's ever done except for Cream and Derek and the Dominoes really sucks. Then I listened to Derek and the Dominoes again, and realized, wow this sucks just as bad as anything that's ever sucked. But I still thought Cream was alright. Then a few months back I saw on PBS they were playing footage from the recent Cream reunion. It really really sucked. And now I can't in my head seperate this sell out reunion BS from the original band. So I have to say I think Cream sucks now. Eric Clapton s
  13. There is one particular asshole who I hope is reading this. A very tall, fat fratboy type with possibly the worst breath I've ever smelled. While the 3 stooges video was playing I was trying to call my friend who I was supposed to meet up with. I've lived in the area for a long time and have not had one anti-semetic remark ever passed at me, it's a real shame that my first had to come at a Wilco show. He screamed in my face for no apparent reason, "what, you calling your rabbi?" and then leaned over to his drunk ass friends and made some comment about me being Jewish that he thought was h
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