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Bush could seize absolute control of U.S. government


Publisher, Capitol Hill Blue

Jan 13, 2006, 07:42



President George W. Bush has signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits deployment of U.S. troops on American streets. This would give him absolute dictatorial power over the government with no checks and balances.


Bush discussed imposing martial law on American streets in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by activating

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but wait! there's more!


By Cenk Uygur, HuffingtonPost.com. Posted July 19, 2006.


The transcript of the President's latest mishap with a microphone reveals

the undeniable fact that Bush is an imbecile.


You know it, I know it and the American people know it. But everyone is

afraid to say it. They say it privately, but people are afraid of saying it

publicly because you will be branded as a liberal, elite, intellectual snob.

But believe me, you don't have to be an intellectual to see how painfully

stupid our president is.


Just look at the conversation he is having with world leaders at the G-8

summit. Mikes picked up the casual talk between the world leaders. Forget

that Bush appears to have three sandwiches in his mouth while talking.

Forget that he calls out to the Prime Minister of Britain as if he is

Flounder in "Animal House." Forget that he uses profanity. I don't give a

shit about those things.


I thought it was ridiculous that people made fun of George H. W, Bush for

vomiting on the Japanese Prime Minister. What was he going to do? He had to

puke, so he puked. It happens to the best of us, and more importantly, has

nothing to do with his intelligence or how capable he is as a leader.


But his son's verbal vomit does have a lot to do with his ability to lead

this country and the world. What I found to be the most damning is the least

quoted part of Bush's comments. As you read this transcript, remember that

this is not a small child talking, but the President of the United States of




The camera is focused elsewhere and it is not clear whom Bush is talking

to, but possibly Chinese President Hu Jintao, a guest at the summit.


Bush: "Gotta go home. Got something to do tonight. Go to the airport, get

on the airplane and go home. How about you? Where are you going? Home?


Bush: "This is your neighborhood. It doesn't take you long to get home.

How long does it take you to get home?"


Reply is inaudible.


Bush: "Eight hours? Me too. Russia's a big country and you're a big



At this point, the president seems to bring someone else into the



Bush: "It takes him eight hours to fly home."


He turns his attention to a server.


Bush: "No, Diet Coke, Diet Coke."


He turns back to whomever he was talking with.


Bush: "It takes him eight hours to fly home. Eight hours. Russia's big and

so is China."


Russia's big and so is China??????? This guys sounds like a third grader. Do

you know anyone who would have a conversation like this with their neighbor,

let alone a business associate, let alone a world leader? Who's proud to

know that Russia is big and so is China?



and it goes on ... I've been saying the emperor has no clothes since day one.

Viva la revolucion!

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yes, but I thought this masterful display of his 3rd grade understanding of world geography added a new twist.


Oh, Canada! :canada

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Oh, Canada! :canada
Remember, Canada just (very reluctantly) elected Stephen Harper and the (Regressive) Conservative Party. He's not stupid, but he sure seems evil. I don't know what's worse - Dubya or a Dubya wannabe.



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Bush could seize absolute control of U.S. government


Publisher, Capitol Hill Blue

Jan 13, 2006, 07:42


but wait! there's more!


Don't fly the flag on this Independence Day


Jul 4, 2006, 06:02


The American flag does not fly outside our home today. It usually does on July 4 but not this Fourth of July because I just can't bring myself to celebrate an independence that isn't or recognize a country that no longer stands for freedom.


In fact, I may start a bonfire on our front yard and burn every American flag we own, an act I feel is far more patriotic than any faux patriot who adorns his car, pickup truck or motorcycle with flags and salutes a nation that today is nothing more than an international bully that wages war on innocents without provocation.


I don't take this action easily. I've served my country more than once, in war and peace. I've fought for her, killed for her, lied for her and committed acts in her name that were illegal and barbaric.


No more. The America that pauses to recognize Independence Day is not independent. It is not free. It is not worthy of honor nor respect. It is a rotting, putrid hulk of a nation long past its prime, devoid of honor and unworthy of respect.


America today is a hypocrite, a nation driven by lies, one that claims to spread democracy throughout the world when it has none to spread. America is a paranoid police state, a hoard of frightened citizens controlled by a fanatical government who feels the need to watch and monitor its populace 24/7. America is the most controlled and policed nation in the world. More Americans, per capita, work in law enforcement than the citizens of any other nation of the world. Even Russia, at the height of communism, did not need as many agents of the law to keep control of its population.


Our government does not respond either to the will or the need of the people. A cabal that answers only to big money, big business and a corrupt power structure exercise absolute power. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have built the presidency into the most powerful executive branch in history, riding roughshod over a cowardly congress, an ineffective court system and the Constitution of the United States.


The dream of those men who gathered in Philadelphia in 1776 is long gone, destroyed by nothing less than a coup to take over our government. The Declaration of Independence they signed on that July 4th might as well join the Constitution in the bathroom of the President. It's only function now is toilet paper.


No, no American flag flies at the Thompson home today. It won't fly tomorrow either. Or the next day. Or the next.


It won't fly again until something is done to restore the America that once was and rid Washington of the crooks, con artists, thieves and despots who control of government.


Honor this America? No way. Salute the flag that flies over today's America? Not on your life. Work to save it? You betcha. To the death.


Reliable source, no bias here whatsoever. There's also another hard-hitting 'story' on 'why right-wingers can't get it up'. Whatever. G-Dub is a total idiot, but so is this guy. It's this type of unintelligent 'i'm a mad as hell liberal guy and i'm not going to take it anymore' junk that's so counterproductive to getting the republican regime out of office. It make me just as sick as the crap coming from Coulter or other 'pundits' to the far side of the other direction.


There are plenty of legitimate examples of how this administration sucks via how it's underperformed in issues like diplomacy and the economy...when people start focusing on how somebody talked w/ their mouth full or how a candidate missed a football tossed at him, both sides make me want to swear off the whole damn process.

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G-Dub is a total idiot, but so is this guy. It's this type of unintelligent 'i'm a mad as hell liberal guy and i'm not going to take it anymore' junk that's so counterproductive to getting the republican regime out of office. It make me just as sick as the crap coming from Coulter or other 'pundits' to the far side of the other direction.


There are plenty of legitimate examples of how this administration sucks via how it's underperformed in issues like diplomacy and the economy...when people start focusing on how somebody talked w/ their mouth full or how a candidate missed a football tossed at him, both sides make me want to swear off the whole damn process.

No argument here.

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I don't disagree with him. The great democratic experiment has failed, corrupted by the power hungry and the money grubbing.


Since I worked in Congress back in the covered wagon days, I have always given my father a flag flown over the Capitol for his birthday or father's day. We both decided a couple years ago that there was no longer any honor in flying an American flag that had been raised over the rotunda of the Capitol.


If I had a flag, it would be flying at half mast, as my parents is, to commemorate the obscene numbers of people (Americans and others) who have died ostensibly "keeping America safe" and "spreading democracy" but really to line the pockets of oil barons and guarantee their access to oil and it's now very bloody profits.


I was going to post the actual executive order, but the whomsoevers and wheretofores were putting me to sleep.


I don't like the partisan sniping (which the conservative Republicans have raised to the level of high art) either, but one side happens to share my opinion. The other side scares the living crap out of me.


I don't care about Bush's manners or silver-spoon/foot-in-mouth gaffes particularly -- if he were home on his ranch and not representing the US amongst other world leaders. For him to act like a slovenly, uneducated, inarticulate and arrogant dickwad with his "peers", in my mind, cements my view that America as we've known and loved it will soon be over.


Enough has changed in the last twenty years, for the worse, that were I considering parenthood today, I would opt out. I fear for my children and grandchildren's future.

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See, I told you he hates black people.



well, that part was actually drafted under Reagan's auspices. It took Bush to put bring it back to life.

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OK, so he's no mental giant, but saying he is evil is over the top.



okay, he's mini-me and probably not smart enough to be evil.

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Enough has changed in the last twenty years, for the worse, that were I considering parenthood today, I would opt out. I fear for my children and grandchildren's future.


:no There it is. I guess I should consider myself an asshole then...but I won't. My guess is every year over that same 20 years somebody has said that same exact thing. However, i'm not a defeatist. Do I fear for my children and grandchildren's future? Sure, but we've gotten through some crazy horrible times by facing fears and not just whining about them. You can say that the state of our country is horrible right now and in some aspects you'd be absolutely right...but to say it's worse than it was during the great depression and vietnam and racial segregation, does injustice to those that actually stood up and did something about it. Plus, you're not fortifying yourself w/ what IS right about this country today to get you through what's not...you've let shit beat you down.


No matter what any administration does, it's still MY country and that flag still stands for legitimate battles to keep people safe and free that people like my Grandfather fought. Roll over and move to Canada? Fuck that (no offense Judy, you have wonderful strip clubs and bacon there and I love KITH), i'll stand my ground. Could things be better? Hell yes, much better. They're only going to get better if we start doing something about it versus bitching about it on a message board.

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well in some aspects I agree with you Kevin, but until now, we've never faced the catastrophe of dwindling oil supply, global warming and the mass extinction of species, with the all domino effect repercussions that holds. (Not the mention the global political atmosphere of anti-Americanism.) We are rich bullies, used to getting our way by force or financial coersion. Bullies always get their comeuppance.


Im generally an optimist about life too, or had been until I began to feel that we've reached a state where there's no turning back. Sucks to feel that way about what I think HAD been the greatest country in the world, but we've failed to meet the promise of democratic opportunity for all citizens that seemed obtainable in another age.


I wish the individual citizen had any power to affect change, but it just ain't so anymore. :no


and I think Im done ranting for today ... it sickens me to think about this stuff, so I'm going to bury my head back in the sand -- the stance of choice for most people. (but just for the rest of today). Peace dude.

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ok so bad table manners aren't the end of the world.....but come on. This is the leader of our nation, at a summit, and he acts like that? I am sorry, it is pretty appaling. There is a time and place for everything. If he is eating BBQ on the ranch in TX - let em do whatever the hell he wants. But when he is on the world stage, representing millions of people? Sit up straight, chew with your mouth closed and speak with dignity. Didn't he learn anything growing up?? Is it too much to ask?? Damn.


My mom would smack me upside the head for acting like that at our own dinnertable. She would tell Dubya what she tells Emily when she sits with her elbows on the table or talks with food in her mouth - "you do not pass the fine New York restaurant test."


Take that Dubya! :P



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Guest Jules
Enough has changed in the last twenty years, for the worse, that were I considering parenthood today, I would opt out. I fear for my children and grandchildren's future.


This is nothing short of crazy.

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This is nothing short of crazy.


okay. Im glad I won't be here in another 75 years. You obviously feel differently -- enjoy.

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