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Stupid AND evil ...

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Guest Jules
Well that's the bottom line on all this -- resource depletion.


I was very much the activist as a young adult -- before the advent of my family and the need to support them became the top priority. I drive a Civic, try to live in as nonmaterialistic manner as possible, grow some of my own food (not enough -- those damn Swiss Cake Rolls just dont grow in Zone 5! :realmad ), don't kill critters (except millipedes and mosquitos), eat very little meat, dry my clothes on a clothesline, hug trees and try not to participate in the greedy consume-mass-quantities mindset that dominates this culture. To that end, I have always worked for nonprofits. I would be run out of a corporate setting on a rail for my leftist leanings, and would like to see a system of socialism that really worked (cuz there just ain't much trickling down). My fondest dream is to build and live on my off-the-grid property, for whatever all that's worth.


Well, you should be commended for these things. I find myself struggling with a lot of these issues on a daily basis.

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Well that's the bottom line on all this -- resource depletion.


I probably don't do as much as I could/should, partly because I think citizen participation in the political process has become moot. I contribute to causes I deem worthy. (Let me tell ya, my kids were thrilled last Christmas when I gave gifts in their honor to heifer.org :lol )


I was very much the activist as a young adult -- before the advent of my family and the need to support them became the top priority. I drive a Civic, try to live in as nonmaterialistic manner as possible, grow some of my own food (not enough -- those damn Swiss Cake Rolls just dont grow in Zone 5! :realmad ), don't kill critters (except millipedes and mosquitos), eat very little meat, dry my clothes on a clothesline, hug trees and try not to participate in the greedy consume-mass-quantities mindset that dominates this culture. To that end, I have always worked for nonprofits. I would be run out of a corporate setting on a rail for my leftist leanings, and would like to see a system of socialism that really worked (cuz there just ain't much trickling down). My fondest dream is to build and live on my off-the-grid property, for whatever all that's worth.


I also smoke, travel too much in my Civic, use appliances, burn wood for heat, and have an unnatural love of extreme air conditioning. Also fwiw, I've long contemplated hanging a peace symbol flag off my house, but fear that would target me for some sort of hate crime.


I also like Wilco.


You know it's funny, I used to work for a not for profit (helping mentally ill people) and I swear there was more red-tape bullshit there than anywhere else. It got so bad at one point that I almost beat the shit out of the director of the place. I pointed out that one of our clients (people) didn't look right, was lethargic, etc, etc. I got blown off. Turns out we ended up taking him to the hospital where it was discovered he had suffered a heart attack over the weekend. The woman running the group home where he lived did nothing, the Director did nothing. In the end this guy died. It made me furious. So yeah I ditched that and now work for a greedy multi-national corporation. I think there is bullshit everywhere.


But good for you being socially aware and making less of an impact, and it's no crime to kill critters and crank the AC up Your Karma is most certainly intact! :cheers

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I swear there was more red-tape bullshit there than anywhere else.


state and federally funded? you bet! :thumbup



Your Karma is most certainly intact! :cheers


I wouldn't bet on it! :shifty but thanks for the vote of confidence!



can someone please teach me how to use the quote thingy? :lol

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state and federally funded? you bet! :thumbup

Your Karma is most certainly intact! :cheers

I wouldn't bet on it! :shifty but thanks for the vote of confidence!

can someone please teach me how to use the quote thingy? :lol



Actually it was privately funded mostly....I think they got some $ from the state but not much....anyways.....


The booolcheet is everywhere you go

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Jeebus, I thought I was a pessimist until I read this thread. :lol Reading the "the world is so fucked up I don't want to have kids" comments reminds me a bit of myself, because I'm sure at one point I have said that myself. And the biggest thing that has changed me between then and now, I guess, is...well...having kids.


I hate to sound hallmark-card-ish, but my kids give me hope every day. They've made me think about the future in a way that I honestly probably hadn't before. Yes, I fear for them. They will be alive through a period of time that will most likely be marked by considerable change in terms of politics, the environment, you name it. But I still don't think those looming, potentially-bad possibilites are a strong enough reason for them not to have been born.


Having kids, for me, in a way is a strong reminder every day that nothing is permanent. Not people, not governments. Nothing. Time marches on, people and their various crises come and go, and the human race, in many ways, continues on much as it always has. Barring nuclear annihilation or global warming burning us alive (and I'm not saying they're not possibilities, I'm just not willing to go into the bomb shelter quite yet), but I'm not convinced that any world problem is yet so far past the "point of no return" that its time to sit around and wait for The End.


I could write more, but I'm gonna go home and play with my kids and have some fun while I can. :wave

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H.L. Mencken had this pegged 80 years ago:


When a candidate for public office faces the voters he does not face men of sense; he faces a mob of men whose chief distinguishing mark is the fact that they are quite incapable of weighing ideas, or even of comprehending any save the most elemental

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That too. I am, however, deeply envious of his literary skills.

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Enough has changed in the last twenty years, for the worse, that were I considering parenthood today, I would opt out. I fear for my children and grandchildren's future.

Indeed...regardless of the political climate,you have to seriously question the idea of bringing new life into a world where it's quite possible that in their lifetime it may be dangerous to even go outside on a summer day.


"I remember a time when I wasn't afraid of the sunshine"---B. Mydland,"We Can Run,But We Can't Hide"

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Indeed...regardless of the political climate,you have to seriously question the idea of bringing new life into a world where it's quite possible that in their lifetime it may be dangerous to even go outside on a summer day.


"I remember a time when I wasn't afraid of the sunshine"---B. Mydland,"We Can Run,But We Can't Hide"


Jesus Fucking Christ some of you people are nuts.


Just live your life and try to enjoy as much of it as you can.

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Because the Black Panthers must be stopped. :brow

I remember reading somewhere that the reason cocaine was made illegal back in the early 20th century was because of a belief at the time that coke made blacks impervious to bullets (after,of course,raping white women) :no

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Sort of. The idea of making certain drugs illegal only occurred to white people when minorities started using them.

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Sort of. The idea of making certain drugs illegal only occurred to white people when minorities started using them.

Jazz musicians...

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