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New YSI Mix Exchange

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It's been a while...is anyone interested in doing this again?


For those who are new here and haven't done it before...pick a theme if you want (or not), make a mix, upload it to yousendit or some other free file hosting site, and then post the link and tracklist here. In the past people have been paired up and exchanged their mixes with each other...but since they were all posted here anyway for everyone to enjoy, that part just seems unnecessary.


I probably did a bad job of explaining this. If there's any interest, maybe someone smarter than me will make it more clear.

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I probably did a bad job of explaining this. If there's any interest, maybe someone smarter than me will make it more clear.


I'll try: you make a mix, number the mp3 files according to your desired sequence, zip the folder, upload it via said website, post a link to it in this thread (preferably with cover artwork in your post), then wait for everyone to call you an incredible genius for throwing those songs together and you beam with pride as if you wrote and recorded those songs yourself.

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I'm in on this, I missed the last one. Isn't it just 10 songs? Mine will be good.


10 is a good number to shoot for, so the file size isn't too big.


I'll try: you make a mix, number the mp3 files according to your desired sequence, zip the folder, upload it via said website, post a link to it in this thread (preferably with cover artwork in your post), then wait for everyone to call you an incredible genius for throwing those songs together and you beam with pride as if you wrote and recorded those songs yourself.



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I've got a couple of ideas for these and am planning on trying to put a couple together tonight. Are there any real guidelines other than posted above? i.e. I just take the mp3s, put them in a zip file, upload it, then come back and post the track list and link? As to the zip part (I'm not well-versed in winzip & such)--are there any particular recommended settings as far as compression and all that jazz?


thanks for any pointers...



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I would just like to say that I'm way too lame to ever actually get off my ass and make one of these mixes, but I've downloaded a bunch of them and plan to steal a few more from this thread, so thanks to y'all.


Also, since I haven't thanked ction yet for that pop punk mix which is currently rockin' my socks, I'll take this opportunity to do so here: :cheers Thanks, man.

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