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Election Night results

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Regarding the "yeah, but they're conservative Democrats" talking point that's currently being sold by the right-wing ... here's Joe Conason on Salon.com:


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[...] Anticipating this dreaded outcome in the weeks before Election Day, certain Republicans began to describe the Democratic victors as "conservative" -- a spin maneuver designed to salvage ideological victory from electoral repudiation. Although the wingers and their echoes in the mainstream media will continue to reiterate that theme, there isn't much substance to it.


Sherrod Brown, the new Democratic senator from Ohio, is a proud progressive. So is his new colleague Claire McCaskill, who defeated the religious right to win a Senate seat in Missouri. Both support reproductive rights and oppose Social Security privatization. For that matter, so do Jon Tester of Montana and Jim Webb of Virginia, whose races await final counts. Tester and Webb are indeed white males who support gun rights. But Webb opposed Virginia's gay marriage amendment, emphasized issues of class bias and economic inequality in his campaign, and believes in a "progressive approach to policy that prioritizes fairness and justice." And Tester unabashedly advocated embryonic stem cell research and universal healthcare while opposing a federal marriage amendment. (Meanwhile Harold Ford Jr. in Tennessee, the most conservative Democratic Senate candidate, profited little from his attacks on his own party's liberalism.)

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Regarding the "yeah, but they're conservative Democrats" talking point that's currently being sold by the right-wing ... here's Joe Conason on Salon.com:


I don't see how this is spin when these candidates do possess some traditionally conservative views. They are not true conservatives, but I don't think the phrase Conservative Democrat is spinning anything.


There I go, spinning again.

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If you loathe conservatives then I apologize for the spell-check remark, I haven't had much sleep, and there's much work to be done.


Partisanship can be a good thing, as long as what you're fighting for is noble.


Who determines what is noble? Bipartisanship is the only thing that works, it is what ends up benefitting the majority of the people.


Believe it or not I am very conservative personally. I don't hate me at all either. What I can't stand is the current incarnation of the republican party. It is about as far from conservative as youc an get. Or at least about as far from what I used to know as conservatism. Conservatives used to be for fisccal responsibility, now all they are for is low taxes. Conservatives used to be agaiisnt government intrusion in private lives, nnow they seem to want to legislate my morality for me. Conservatives used to preach original intent of the constituion (ignoring that one original intent as laid out by the framers in the federalist and other writing was that new rigths might be discovered and that the document shoudl grow and change) Consevatives used to be for personal responsibility, but when was the last time you ever heard one of them take responsibility for anything? Conservatives used to be agiinst uynnecessary foreign entanglements, now look... Conservatives used to be for smaller governemnt, the last three republican presidents have grown the government. What is a conservative today is a far cry from what one wwas twenty or thirty years ago. Face it the current republican party has used a very radical agenda to hikack conservatism and morph it into the ugly beast we see today.

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CNN Reporting: Montana Democrat Jon Tester declares victory in his tight race for U.S. Senate against incumbent Republican Sen. Conrad Burns.


CNN Reporting: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is stepping down.




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I don't see how this is spin when these candidates do possess some traditionally conservative views. They are not true conservatives, but I don't think the phrase Conservative Democrat is spinning anything.


There I go, spinning again.

The spin comes in the implication that only conservative Democrats can win, not progressive ones. The fact that progressive (or mostly progressive) Democrats did well in traditionally red states is being conveniently ignored. It's simply an attempt by the right wing to put a happier face on the results, but it rings hollow.


And if a Democrat holds "some traditionally conservative views" but is otherwise a progressive, that means little. I'm a wacked-out liberal who doesn't even regard himself as a Democrat (because they're way too conservative for me), but I have traditionally conservative views on a couple of issues. No way anyone would accurately describe me as "conservative," though.

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I don't see how this is spin when these candidates do possess some traditionally conservative views. They are not true conservatives, but I don't think the phrase Conservative Democrat is spinning anything.


There I go, spinning again.


Pointing out that a diverse group of people from a wide spectrum of the "left" were elected yesterday, as if it were a bad thing, is spinning.

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Who determines what is noble? Bipartisanship is the only thing that works, it is what ends up benefitting the majority of the people.


Believe it or not I am very conservative personally. I don't hate me at all either. What I can't stand is the current incarnation of the republican party. It is about as far from conservative as youc an get. Or at least about as far from what I used to know as conservatism. Conservatives used to be for fisccal responsibility, now all they are for is low taxes. Conservatives used to be agaiisnt government intrusion in private lives, nnow they seem to want to legislate my morality for me. Conservatives used to preach original intent of the constituion (ignoring that one original intent as laid out by the framers in the federalist and other writing was that new rigths might be discovered and that the document shoudl grow and change) Consevatives used to be for personal responsibility, but when was the last time you ever heard one of them take responsibility for anything? Conservatives used to be agiinst uynnecessary foreign entanglements, now look... Conservatives used to be for smaller governemnt, the last three republican presidents have grown the government. What is a conservative today is a far cry from what one wwas twenty or thirty years ago. Face it the current republican party has used a very radical agenda to hikack conservatism and morph it into the ugly beast we see today.




No argument here that the modern American Republican party is an embarassment.


(bush can't pronounce "nuclear.". Seriously, for the love of God...)

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Who determines what is noble? Bipartisanship is the only thing that works, it is what ends up benefitting the majority of the people.


Believe it or not I am very conservative personally. (more stuff)


My mother (2nd time I mentioned her today btw) voted repub for years until '88 when she claims that the party up and deserted her. Now she is an avowed dem and sleeps at night.

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Dead woman wins county commissioner's race

S.D. candidate gets 100 votes; official says voters knew she was deceased


Updated: 1 hour, 48 minutes ago

PIERRE, S.D. - A woman who died two months ago won a county commissioner's race in Jerauld County on Tuesday.


Democrat Marie Steichen, of Woonsocket, got 100 votes, defeating incumbent Republican Merlin Feistner, of Woonsocket, who had 64 votes.


Jerauld County Auditor Cindy Peterson said she believes the county board will have to meet to appoint a replacement for Steichen. Peterson said she'll check with the state's attorney to be sure that's the process.


Peterson said voters knew Steichen had died.


"They just had a chance to make a change, and we respect their opinion."

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If I knew a Democratic victory was going to birth this Pelosi bit, I'd have voted differently.

Yeah, that one got really old, really fast.


And for whoever said that Pelosi is a nasty, rich bitch: there are plenty of San Francisco politicians who are known to be pure evil off-camera, but who get re-elected anyway because their stands on the issues are what SF wants them to be (and because their public personae are all sweetness and light). But just try to find a local with anything bad to say about Pelosi; you'd have a tough time of it. Give me the politician who is up-front about who she is and what's she fighting for any day.

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Dead woman wins county commissioner's race

S.D. candidate gets 100 votes; official says voters knew she was deceased


Updated: 1 hour, 48 minutes ago

PIERRE, S.D. - A woman who died two months ago won a county commissioner's race in Jerauld County on Tuesday.


Democrat Marie Steichen, of Woonsocket, got 100 votes, defeating incumbent Republican Merlin Feistner, of Woonsocket, who had 64 votes.


Jerauld County Auditor Cindy Peterson said she believes the county board will have to meet to appoint a replacement for Steichen. Peterson said she'll check with the state's attorney to be sure that's the process.


Peterson said voters knew Steichen had died.


"They just had a chance to make a change, and we respect their opinion."


Look for Feistner be be named next Attorney General.

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No argument here that the modern American Republican party is an embarassment.


I feel that the current republican party brought this on by their actions. It's not all Bush either. Bush has his problems, but the rubber samping of those problems by congress is one issue while the drunken cr4ack whore in a liquor store way they ran congress is as big of an issue as anything. Hopefully once the impeachments :w00t are over we can get the country back to normal.


Ruling as if the other party does not exist is un-American and that is how the republicans have been for the last six years.

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CNN Reporting: Montana Democrat Jon Tester declares victory in his tight race for U.S. Senate against incumbent Republican Sen. Conrad Burns.




:blink Wow......I thought fer sure Burns had lock on this.......I guess the demographics are changing there.......all those transplanted,liberal Californic*** are finally are making a difference.



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