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Election Night results

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Dems have the Senate and the House. it is a fantastic day to be a Democrat!

:cheers Yea Jess!!

For one day,I felt good for this country.They'll be plenty of time in the next few days to try and figure out 'what it all MEANS',but today I felt good.


Many good posts today...with very little spite or invective.VC is teh best.

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Well, everyone I voted for lost. Since Austin is so liberal, I keep forgetting that the rest of Texas isn't.


On the plus side, all the city propositions - to raise money for various good causes such as refurbishing the shitty-ass public library - passed, so that's a good thing. :)



I read or head somewhere that there had not been a Democrat win a statewide election in Texas since 1994.

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By the way...what happened to the rampant voter fraud and voting machine hacking that was predicted?


Built in excuse wasn't needed I guess.

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It's official: W is meat.

You mean he won't get reelected to a third term? Shocking outcome.

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I wasn't going to admit that I knew that. :lol


(Kit is actually my favorite American Girl. She's the Depression Era AG, and she's what I picture my Great-Auntie Kay must have looked like in the 1930s.)


We have Kit, Josefina and a bitty baby along witha lot of clothes and accessories, several trips to the store for lunch and shows...Those American Girl people know how to market that stuff.


By the way...what happened to the rampant voter fraud and voting machine hacking that was predicted?


Built in excuse wasn't needed I guess.


There has been some mostly minor stuff, but in one district, Katherine Harris old district in Florida, there is a problem with the undervote. The Undervote for Representative is way off from the undervote for Sentate and other big races. That is the one area where I have heard that there may be a bad case of voting machines not getting it right. I hesitate to say fraud because you need proof to alledge fraud, but this is a problem. I believe the undervote for Senate and other races is around 4,000 while for the house seat it is closer to 19,000. Undervote for those who do not know is when there is no vote cast on a ballot. Typically the undervote is much higher for judges and school boards etc... than it is for national aor state wide offices. In this district the dem is behind.

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We have Kit, Josefina and a bitty baby along witha lot of clothes and accessories, several trips to the store for lunch and shows...Those American Girl people know how to market that stuff.

Our girls are officially "freaked out" by the bitty babies. :lol



By the way...what happened to the rampant voter fraud and voting machine hacking that was predicted?


Built in excuse wasn't needed I guess.

There has been some mostly minor stuff, but in one district, Katherine Harris old district in Florida, there is a problem with the undervote. The Undervote for Representative is way off from the undervote for Sentate and other big races. That is the one area where I have heard that there may be a bad case of voting machines not getting it right. I hesitate to say fraud because you need proof to alledge fraud, but this is a problem. I believe the undervote for Senate and other races is around 4,000 while for the house seat it is closer to 19,000. Undervote for those who do not know is when there is no vote cast on a ballot. Typically the undervote is much higher for judges and school boards etc... than it is for national aor state wide offices. In this district the dem is behind.

Yeah, the electronic voting, with no paper trail, still bothers me. Not that I'm going to suggest any of the results in this election be overturned :D , but even aside from fraud or hacking issues, unreliable machines are still a possibility.


And there were certainly allegations of voter intimidation and misinformation being provided to potential voters.

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From a blog...


Apropos of the midterm Congressional elections circa November 2007, President Thomas Jefferson had it right over 200 years ago about the resiliency of American democracy when he wrote the following words apropos of the 1798 Alien and Sedition Act that, like the Patriot Act, threatened the liberties of the American people:


"A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public debt......If the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake."

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Schadenfreude is ugly, especially when directed at a little girl.


You can dislike Rick Santorum all you want, after all, Politics has become sport in this country.


But his kids didn't sign on to be the source of ridicule.


You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

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