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ylt/lambchop in knoxville

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made the 6 hour jouney for yo la tengo and lambchop at the bijou theater. it may have been the greatest concert experience i've had. the little theater has great sound. anyone headed to tweedy tonight should be in for a treat.


anyways, lambchop stuck mostly to newer songs and i'm not the biggest fan of their last few efforts but they were stunning live. then yo la rocked it, second song was i am goodkind and i think it was longer than even the lp version. they had members of lambchop throughout the night nicely filling out the songs sonically. there was a moment during the story of yo la tengo that really blew me and some others nearby away. they had this drone going and then started a medley lightly underneath, next time around it was full fledged into the newer medley and the kid sitting in front of me jumped out of his seat with excitement. i was equally impressed.


there's something about a band that's been together for 20 +years and these guys have the chops to back it up.

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The first time I ever saw Yo La Tengo was with Lambchop. It was at the 930 Club in D.C., February 2000. Sweet memories. It was an amazing show. I am glad that you had a similar experience!


I am seeing YLT a week from Friday, but the Rosebuds are opening. I am looking forward to it very much.

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  wheelco said:
so they played Pass the Hatchet, I think I'm Goodkind AND The Story of Yo La Tengo


wow, wish I'd been there :cheers


i was not expecting so much rock either, this being my first show. now i've got to work on picking up some more of their back catalog.

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  willywoody said:
there's something about a band that's been together for 20 +years and these guys have the chops to back it up.


I agree. I saw 'em in Louisville, KY and thought the same thing. Everything about them is musical (even covers they seem to be learning on the spot!)


  wheelco said:
so they played Pass the Hatchet, I think I'm Goodkind AND The Story of Yo La Tengo


They bookended their sets with those two in Louisville ... well, opened with Autumn Sweater and then straight into Hatchet. It was good stuff. Total of four songs from I Can Hear the Heart! One of the greatest bands ever!


They had Antietam supporting in Louisville. YLT really takes care of bands they've known for a while. You gotta love that.

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  LouieB said:
I think I need to see Lambchop live because the couple albums I have of theirs (which I was prepared to like) do nothing for me.




which albums do you have as i'll agree, that some are very rarely played by me either?


however, live they groove.

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  LouieB said:
Aw Come On, and No You Come On.




Yeah. You've got the worst 2 (double album really) there, to be fair. They don't often get much of a play by me. You must have heard Nixon, surely? Is A Woman is another of my favourites, but Nixon is kind of the best place to get into them. Oh, and the last album (Damaged) was one of my favourite albums of last year, it took a while to grow on me, but is up there with their best.

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  Oil Can Boyd said:
I'd give Nixon a listen before you give up on them.



is a woman is a beautiful album. the song my blue wave chokes me up every time. it is a quiet listen though. and features piano more prominently than the others. melancholia....


what another man spills is my favorite and is just reissued on cd. wagner still has his voice on that one and can do the falsetto singing on "give me your love"


nixon has the euro "hit" "up with people" and is a very solid cd but i don't pull it out as much as thriller. on thriller they have a poppier sound with a couple of covers of east river pipe songs. the the last half gets all spacey and stoned.


their first two full releases are best left until you you explore the others but they are pretty good as is the hank ep. i agree that they pulled a ryan adams on aw c'mon and no you c'mon by including a bunch of instrumentals from the silent movie they toured accompanying and a few too many songs.


on top of all that they have loads of tour only cds, some of those songs are on the 2 or 3 retrospective collections that are around.

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