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Lucinda Williams Fans ? Come ON...

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I gather that not many Pitchfork fans will be picking this up:




I think they're overdoing it a little. The album is a C at worst.


Does anyone take Pitchfork seriously as music criticism anymore? Seriously people, I'm fine if you don't like the new record but don't pass off Pitchfork as some barometer on taste. Especially for a disc like "West". I guess Lucinda doesn't fit their hipster criteria anymore.


Wanna bet the new Arcade Fire gets an 8.5 or higher?

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I wouldn't take that bet. It deserves a 9.8 in lieu of Funeral's 9.7 (and I'm just playing along, mind you, because such exact scores are really quite silly), but they'll be hopping on the backlash bandwagon, mark my words. Pitchfork loves to kick the shit out of any record that follows up a smash critical hit with a good ol' fashioned lukewarm review. You could just about set your watch by that sort of thing.


Like AGIB, Neon Bible will score a 6-point-something. Five'll getcha ten.

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Ive got it.


Excellant album . Reminds me a lot of Car Wheels be with an Essence sound if that makes sense?


Recommended release.


Sean In Oz


Glad at least someone else is enjoying this great disc! I don't understand how you could be a Lucinda fan and not like it at least a little bit.

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I haven't read Pitchfork in months, and that review is a just another reason why. I really do enjoy this album. Probably not as much as Car Wheels, WWT, and some of her others; but I still really like it. I agree much more with this allmusic review ( 4 1/2 stars out of 5) than I do the pitchfork one:


Allmusic Review


or the longer version:


Allmusic Feature


So far, its one of my favorite albums of the young year. Certainly not #1, but up there. In other news, I haven't been able to get into the new Arcade Fire album yet. So, to each his own, I suppose.

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I have always picked up Lucinda's albums (once I got hip to her) soon after they were released, but this one doesn't sound that great. I felt really burned by World without Tears and after hearing a couple cuts of the live at the Filmore, I completely passed on that one.



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There are a few good songs on WWT, but there are also several stinkers.


Here are the good ones:


Fruits of My Labor


Over Time

World Without Tears


That said, Louie, did you ever get those Car Wheels alternate tracks that you were looking for? If not, I can probably get them to you sometime.

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I have always picked up Lucinda's albums (once I got hip to her) soon after they were released, but this one doesn't sound that great. I felt really burned by World without Tears and after hearing a couple cuts of the live at the Filmore, I completely passed on that one.




PLEASE don't let that stupid Pitchfork review sway you. But if you really didn't like World Without Tears, well I'm not sure you will enjoy this either. The lyrics are very "stream of consciousness" sounding and for me, it works great.

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PLEASE don't let that stupid Pitchfork review sway you. But if you really didn't like World Without Tears, well I'm not sure you will enjoy this either. The lyrics are very "stream of consciousness" sounding and for me, it works great.

Personally, I was quite disappointed in West long before I read the Pitchfork review. I just happen to agree with the reviewer in pretty much everything he said (aside from his numerical rating, which is a bit low).

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good lord the lyrics to "What If" are some of the worst lyrics i've heard in years...


and i LOVE Lu...


Nuts to "No Cars Go," now here's a song we agree on. The rational part of my brain doesn't even want to believe that Lu wrote garbage like this and "Wrap My Head Around That." The most frustrating thing about this disc for me is that, at least superficially, it's great. Nice gauzy production, great band, solid vox, and so on, but the songs just aren't there. I've seldom heard a lazier album by an artist this talented.

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That said, Louie, did you ever get those Car Wheels alternate tracks that you were looking for? If not, I can probably get them to you sometime.
No, I didn't. If you can I would love them though.


PLEASE don't let that stupid Pitchfork review sway you. But if you really didn't like World Without Tears, well I'm not sure you will enjoy this either. The lyrics are very "stream of consciousness" sounding and for me, it works great.
It wasn't Pitchfork that swayed me (Pitchfork is entertainment not criticism.) In fact I think it was a review in the New Yorker that did it instead. Inevitably I will wait for a used copy to show up, which most things usual do. (Hell I passed up a copy of the Beatles Love in the used bin at Lauries yesterday; that hit the used bins in record time. What I bought instead was a cool two LP set of Miles Davis in Amsterdam in 1957 instead.)



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Nuts to "No Cars Go," now here's a song we agree on. The rational part of my brain doesn't even want to believe that Lu wrote garbage like this and "Wrap My Head Around That." The most frustrating thing about this disc for me is that, at least superficially, it's great. Nice gauzy production, great band, solid vox, and so on, but the songs just aren't there. I've seldom heard a lazier album by an artist this talented.

i didn't really pay much attention to them the few times i listened to West a few weeks ago when it leaked, but the song came on the radio yesterday while i was in my car, and i was just cringing at pretty much every other lyric :yucky

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I requested those on some BT sites - no luck though.
If someone gets them to me, I will make a copy for you as well. This is the first version of Car Wheels I am looking for, not the demos (although they might be interesting too...)



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I've seldom heard a lazier album by an artist this talented.



How is it "lazy"? I mean, people bashed on Neil Young's Prairie Wind because the music and lyrics all sounded so simple. Are you saying it's like something along those lines? I would personally much rather hear lyrics like these, sort of homespun and direct, than anything that many curent hot bands pass off as lyrics.

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