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I have always wanted to get into their discography, but I am not sure where to start? Any recommendations?
TNT I think is particularly good (and the first one I got too), but Millions Now Living Will Never Die may be the best. I am very fond of the box set that came out last year called A Lazarus Taxon. With the exception of the box set, all are available on LP.



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The first two records (s/t and Millions) are what they are most famous for but the other suggestions here are good too. I honestly think they are a very hit-or-miss band, tho. Another group I would highly recommend (even more so than Tortoise) in this vein is Do Make Say Think, who is less known but definitely one of the best instrumental rock acts of all time.

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agree with TNT, it's still my favorite, though i started with s/t and it's all around you. i really respect them for having hit different and original styles on each album, and doing them all, as i see them, pretty dead on. i think they are such a great band. i would also recomment DMST (good call deaf ro), though i do think tortoise would be more accessible, and for some reason i tend to pile do make say think with another section of my music pretty separate from tortoise.

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I started with Standards, but couldn't get into it oddly enough. Still, I looked into my library to see what was available, and I was able to get into Millions Now Living Will Never Die very easily. My personal favorite is their latest album, It's All Around You. The box set is another good buy, being very cheap and having a lot of material that gives you a great idea on what Tortoise is all about.

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Millions Now Living was my first. Djed still stops me dead in my tracks after years of listening. It's the quickest 20 minute track you'll hear.

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