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The Jam reform...

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I see - I was just thinking off the top of my head. I don't think I have ever heard a song by The Jam.

Maybe you have heard a Jam song and didn't know it. Their song "Start!" (the one that blatantly rips off the Beatles' "Taxman") is currently used in a car commercial. It has the line "and what you give is what you get." Also, their tune "Town Called Malice" was featured in the movie European Vacation.


I love The Jam. They were my favorite band when I was 16. They helped me bridge the gap between Sex Pistols/Clash/Buzzcocks/punk stuff and Public Image Ltd/Cure/Wire/post-punk stuff. "Just Who is the 5 O'Clock Hero?" is one hell of a pop tune.


This pseudo-reunion sounds like a bad, bad, bad idea...

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Weller is busting a gonad laughing at this. Fucking shambles. Anyway, what are they gonna play? Smithers Jones and News Of The World? How is Weller letting them play his tunes? Fucking knobheads!




The Jam were the greatest group I have ever encountered, EVER. Weller is the coolest mutha alive.



Oh my jumping Jesus. The Bastard Jam are playing in Cork on the 4th June. I can foresee myself being there just to heckle them and getting myself arrested.

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Maybe you have heard a Jam song and didn't know it. Their song "Start!" (the one that blatantly rips off the Beatles' "Taxman") is currently used in a car commercial. It has the line "and what you give is what you get." Also, their tune "Town Called Malice" was featured in the movie European Vacation.


I love The Jam. They were my favorite band when I was 16. They helped me bridge the gap between Sex Pistols/Clash/Buzzcocks/punk stuff and Public Image Ltd/Cure/Wire/post-punk stuff. "Just Who is the 5 O'Clock Hero?" is one hell of a pop tune.


This pseudo-reunion sounds like a bad, bad, bad idea...


Hey, at least they didn't get Paul Rodgers to sing for them.

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As questionable as this is, I'd still prefer to see Bruce and Rick than a Weller-less reformed Style Council. Sorry all you Mick Talbot fans. Although, I'd pay two bucks to see a reunited Merton Parkas!

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