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I wasn't a fan of Ted Leo and the new album hasn't done anything to improve my opinion... it's ok, but it sounds so much like other people I can't quite get my head around it. It's not that it's bad, there's just nothing on it that moves me or interests me.



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  mjpuczko said:
apparently i'm the only person who likes bomb.repeat.bomb. i love the entire song.


I love it. Reminds me so much of the Dismemberment Plan. I do agree that Colleen and Bottle of Buckie are pretty weak songs.. Colleen just seems like a practice in rhyming.

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I think Colleen has good music, but I agree that the lyrics suck. Bottle of Buckie's alright, like i mentioned about the picking...


but I don't mind Bomb.Repeat.Bomb, I just don't think the vocals were mixed high enough, it's beyond muffled.

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  cryptique said:
I haven't figured out all the hate for "Bottle of Buckie." What's your beef with it? I actually quite like that tune.


I'm not crazy about "Colleen," but I don't mind it.

i like bottle of buckie a lot


as for it sounding like some goo goo dolls song.... i can't even name a goo goo dolls song aside of Iris. i guess i'm happy i don't listen to the radio or this song might be ruined for me.

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Pitchfork has a good interview with Ted Leo up today. Here's an excerpt about Unwanted Things, Bottle of Buckie, and Bomb.Repeat.Bomb, some of the hotly debated songs around here ;) :


  Pitchfork said:
Ted Leo: [laughs] I started working on the song as a goof. Not to make a cod-reggae song, but with a drum machine and bass effects, just to have a fun afternoon making a real reggae song. When I got to the end of it, I liked it. With that particular song, there was a conscious decision. Live it'll be more of a punk-reggae/cod-reggae thing [laughs] but we started playing it in practice and thought "this could maybe work!" Then we thought, fuck it, let's do it for real. Why dumb it down? That one was very specific. If we want to do a reggae song, then why not actually do a reggae song? Other than that, everything did come up relatively organically. I will say that just about every element that is a little explicitly "let loose" on this record, it's actually all there on every record that I've done, but in the past I would have more self
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