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Rank the Flaming Lips albums

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1. Clouds Taste Metallic

2. Transmissions from the Satellite Heart

3. Soft Bulletin

4. Hit to Death in the Future Head

5. In a Priest-Driven Ambulance

6. Yoshimi...

7. At War with Mystics

8. Zaireeka

9. Telepathic Surgery

10. Oh My Gawd!

11. Hear It Is

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Wow, here's one I never really bothered to think about before.



Soft Bulletin


Hit to Death


At War

Zaireeka (fantastic concept, pain in the butt to listen to)

..the early ones I haven't spent enough time with to have a solid opinion.


And, really, any of those aside from Transmissions could swap places on any given day. And Transmissions is #1 probably for sentimental reasons since it was my first.

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The Day They Shot A Hole in the Jesus Egg contains not just In a Priest Driven Ambulance but a load of B-sides/demos as well.


My rankings:



Soft Bulletin


Oh My Gawd

Wastin' Pigs


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1. t. Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, The Soft Bulletin, Clouds Taste Metallic, Transmissions From The Satellite Heart

5. At War With The Mystics

6. Zaireeka

7. Hit To Death

8. t. Telepathic Surgery, Oh My Gawd, Hear It Is


Still haven't heard Priest Driven Ambulance yet.

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You people are just asking for it. It's clearly:


1. Hear It Is

2. Oh My Gawd...

3. Telepathic Surgery

4. In a Priest Driven Ambulance

5. Hit to Death in the Future Head

6. Transmissions From the Satellite Heart

7. Clouds Taste Metallic

8. Zaireeka

9. The Soft Bulletin

10. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

11. At War With the Mystics


(I couldn't resist the temptation.)

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