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it's decent, but hopefully just what leaked and isn't a single or anything, as it would tank.


i like the style of it, but the hook isn't very memorable, which is basically what Spoon are known for.

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yes, yes it has


I just got it, but I'm actuallly kinda nervous to listen to it.

I love spoon so much and I really want this to be good but I didnt really like the ghost of you lingers, so hopefuly the rest is much better.

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It reminds me more of Kill the Moonlight than Gimme Fiction, so I'll second that. Mind you, I adored Gimme Fiction like the Beast and Dragon (ha ha ho ho ah), so take that with a grain of salt.


There are hooks everywhere on this thing, but The Underdog is maybe the catchiest thing I've heard since Of Montreal's Hissing Fauna dropped.

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i'm finding it's not nearly as hooky as your average Spoon record... not in a bad way, but ther's only been 3 songs so far that the refrain stuck in my head after the song was over.


super short tho, 36 min, and good to know that The Ghost Of You Lingers is the only "odd" track. overall this isn't a very rockin'/uptempo affair either...


but yeah, while not blowing me away (Spoon records rarely do tho, especially at first) and it's super early to say, this is more encouraging than my first listen to Gimme Fiction, so that's a good thing.

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I only skimmed it over, but it immediately struck me in the same way it did Kyle. Not super hook laden and what i've heard I like better than Gimme Fiction. I'll give it more in depth couple of listens as the week goes on.


Thanks to Boots for the help!

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on my second listen now, and I am liking it more the second time around. The Underdog is pretty catchy although sounds very out of place among the spoon cannon to me.

to me this record sounds closest to Girls can tell or a more electronic Kill the moonlight.

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it's pretty decent so far... not amazing or anything, but not Gimme Fiction Pt. 2 at least either


On the first listen, I was thinking "Gimme Fiction Pt II" but after a bit of digesting it's starting to develop its own personality, particularly toward the latter half of the album. I'm definitely hearing some recycled riffage/changes from Fiction (M. Valentine and I Summon You come to mind here), but it sounds pretty good nonetheless. Will need to give it some more time.


the horns are a nice touch.


I agree, the horns are a nice addition to this one. Really tastefully done.

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