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It'd be really nice if Scott Olsen would stop pitching like shit.

I dunno ... from what I hear, shit's got some nasty stuff ... wicked slider.

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I dunno ... from what I hear, shit's got some nasty stuff ... wicked slider.

He's got nasty stuff, but he's been pitching like shit this year. I think he's been relying too much on his changeup. His slider is wicked, but his change up is only so-so. He's got a pretty good fastball with some nice movement, but the change up needs to be working in order for his fastball to be effective, as it's only like 91-92 MPH. If his change up isn't there, he's hittable.

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He's got nasty stuff, but he's been pitching like shit this year. I think he's been relying too much on his changeup. His slider is wicked, but his change up is only so-so. He's got a pretty good fastball with some nice movement, but the change up needs to be working in order for his fastball to be effective, as it's only like 91-92 MPH. If his change up isn't there, he's hittable.

:ohwell So much for my funny.

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If anyone can find a youtube of Francona after he got run last night, it would totally be worth your time. The only reason I was still up is because I wanted to see what happened with Ortiz's next at-bat after he got in the home plate ump's face over not asking for help when he clearly did not swing at a third strike earlier, and then I got to see the Francona thing. I seriously thought either he was going to have an aneurysm and die right on the field, or his head was going to asplode and he would die right on the field. Good shit.

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1/3 of the way through the season, so what the hell, let's hear some 1/3-of-the-way through the season awards.


AL MVP: Magglio Ordonez. Will probably be A-Rod by the end of the year, as right now it's close, but Maggs is playing even more over his head than A-Rod is.

AL Cy Young: Dan Haren, although if Johan has an unbelievable second half, as he seems to do every year, then he probably gets it.

AL Rookie of the Year: Dustin Pedroia


NL MVP: Prince Fielder. Good cases can also be made for Chipper Jones and (*sigh*) Barry Bonds.

NL Cy Young: Jake Peavy. He's really the only choice thus far.

NL Rookie of the Year: Hunter Pence


RotY crop seems sort of weak this year, but maybe that's just in light of how many great ones there were last year.

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1/3 of the way through the season, so what the hell, let's hear some 1/3-of-the-way through the season awards.


AL MVP: Magglio Ordonez. Will probably be A-Rod by the end of the year, as right now it's close, but Maggs is playing even more over his head than A-Rod is.

AL Cy Young: Dan Haren, although if Johan has an unbelievable second half, as he seems to do every year, then he probably gets it.

AL Rookie of the Year: Dustin Pedroia


NL MVP: Prince Fielder. Good cases can also be made for Chipper Jones and (*sigh*) Barry Bonds.

NL Cy Young: Jake Peavy. He's really the only choice thus far.

NL Rookie of the Year: Hunter Pence


RotY crop seems sort of weak this year, but maybe that's just in light of how many great ones there were last year.



You could make a case for Okijima from the Sox, not including his last outing. If I heard correctly he was April rookie of the month and Pedroia was R O M for May

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You could make a case for Okijima from the Sox, not including his last outing. If I heard correctly he was April rookie of the month and Pedroia was R O M for May

Okijima has been a huge bonus. Take note of how he pitches some time: he literally does not look at the plate but down and away at the point of release.

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Okijima has been a huge bonus. Take note of how he pitches some time: he literally does not look at the plate but down and away at the point of release.



Yeah, and a lefty to boot. A very huge bonus....he sorta came out of nowhere.....now if the Sox could get a win in Oakland....damn

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1/3 of the way through the season, so what the hell, let's hear some 1/3-of-the-way through the season awards.


AL MVP: Magglio Ordonez. Will probably be A-Rod by the end of the year, as right now it's close, but Maggs is playing even more over his head than A-Rod is.

AL Cy Young: Dan Haren, although if Johan has an unbelievable second half, as he seems to do every year, then he probably gets it.

AL Rookie of the Year: Dustin Pedroia


NL MVP: Prince Fielder. Good cases can also be made for Chipper Jones and (*sigh*) Barry Bonds.

NL Cy Young: Jake Peavy. He's really the only choice thus far.

NL Rookie of the Year: Hunter Pence


RotY crop seems sort of weak this year, but maybe that's just in light of how many great ones there were last year.


AL MVP: I'll go with the A-Rod. If not for him, the Yankees wouldn't even have to worry about Roger Clemens.

AL Cy Young: Dan Haren's got it so far, but I don't see him keeping it up. Smart money is on Johan before the year's out.

AL ROY: Reggie Willits (though I fully expect Dice-K to end up turning it around and winning it)


NL MVP: I think Bonds probably deserves. He has nobody else on that team, whereas Prince plays on a fairly good team.

NL Cy Young: Peavy. Not even close.

NL ROY: Pence

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