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Jesus. I cannot remember the last time a Yankees team looked that inept on the field.

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Come to think of it, Bobby Abreu is a buttsucker.

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I don't think that Earl was saying any of that to argue that A-Rod won't be thought of that way, just that he shouldn't be. But yeah, reality won't change the fact that many Yankees fans completely irrational and illogical.



All I'm saying is that the Yankees can do just as well NOT winning world series without A-Rod as they are doing with him right now. Also there were 28 other teams last season that also did just as well NOT winning the world series without A-Rod and there was 1 team who who DID win the world series without A-Rod.


If A-Rod were as great as some people like to think and as valuable, he would have been there in the clutch last year to spark something in the playoffs for the Yankees.

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Clemens will miss his first scheduled start due to a groin injury. That is some funny shit right there.


that was a wonderful moment when i heard that. i enjoyed a full bodied laugh at the yanks' expense.

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All I'm saying is that the Yankees can do just as well NOT winning world series without A-Rod as they are doing with him right now. Also there were 28 other teams last season that also did just as well NOT winning the world series without A-Rod and there was 1 team who who DID win the world series without A-Rod.


If A-Rod were as great as some people like to think and as valuable, he would have been there in the clutch last year to spark something in the playoffs for the Yankees.


They can not win the World Series without anyone on that team. But they have a much better chance of winning with A-Rod than without him. It's inarguable unless you think that being one of the best 2 or 3 players in the game is bad for your team.


Please take a look at the Reggie Jackson post-season stats that Earl posted. The fact of the matter is, any player who is in the playoffs every single season is going to have some bad series along the way.

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jesus maryann joseph



it is not like the yankees were getting it done in the post season and A-rod poured water on the whole team. the entire team sucked. why? they had no pitching. sooner or later everyones' offense gives out for a bit and if the pitching stay can't weather that storm it's over. the yankee pitching staff can't weather any storm. it was awful. is still awful. and will remain awful. the starters are mostly old and broken. mussina's career is finished. the bull pen is an utter train wreck. even mariano is showing signs of being done.


there's one guy who holds responsibility...cashman. and steinbrenner has placed it squarely on his shoulders. what is all this a-rod crap. I don't think that at 15 million steinbrenner cares a one wit about a-rod. hell, he gets him headlines everyday. pitching. there is none. that's the reason they lost last year. that's the reason they suck this year. and that's the reason they're going to suck next year. Roger may well never pitch as a yankee this year. and cashman will be gone before the month is out.

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jesus maryann joseph

it is not like the yankees were getting it done in the post season and A-rod poured water on the whole team. the entire team sucked. why? they had no pitching. sooner or later everyones' offense gives out for a bit and if the pitching stay can't weather that storm it's over. the yankee pitching staff can't weather any storm. it was awful. is still awful. and will remain awful. the starters are mostly old and broken. mussina's career is finished. the bull pen is an utter train wreck. even mariano is showing signs of being done.



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I know they're irrelevant to any serious baseball discussion, but just try to imagine being a Tampa Bay Devil Rays' fan.


There was so much hope down here about how great it would finally be to have a major-league baseball team. Down-town St. Pete would be rocking, there would be a buzz about town that can only come from having a baseball team that mattered.


And what's happened? The orginization is now much more of a joke than even the Tampa Bay Bucs' of the eighties could have ever hoped to be.


I feel so bad for my dad and uncle who had season tickets from the start and who are now so disgusted with every single bad move the team has made that they barely go to games anymore.


Vince Naimoli can rot in hell.

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As much as I despise Cubs fans - it would be way worse to be a Tampa Bay fan. At least the Cubs have a thriving "cult" thing going on. Even though the baseball sucks, I am sure many Cubs fans would argue that the game is only half of the draw - if even that.


Tampa Bay has a sleepy indoor stadium, practically no fans, shitty team, etc.....Cubs at least made the playoffs within the last few years.....


I can't believe I am even vaguely sticking up for Cubs fans. :barf


p.s....can we please stop talking about the fucking Yankees?? You people.

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So now people are saying Roger is faking the injury so he can pitch against the Pirates instead of the White Sox. Meanwhile, the White Sox are just an awful, awful hitting team, and he's got a better chance of beating them than the Pirates.

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They would get healthy against him. They've got to swing towards their career averages at some point, right?


Edit: and then they wouldn't be able to hit the bullpen and their bullpen would give up the lead.


I've actually always wondered whether if a guy starts slow will he eventually heat up and balance out, but by most accounts, the answer is no. At best, you'll play to your career averages from then on out, which doesn't bode well for the ChiSoxes.

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Always-shitty-when-it-counts Alex Rodriguez just hit a homer to break a tie in the top of the ninth inning.


June 4th, 2007. Don't you know these games don't matter?

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