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Sky Blue Sky Bonus Tracks are ridiculously good

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Wow, i freaking love this band. How good are these guys. The bonus tracks "the thanks I get" and "lets not get carried away" are unreal--it really makes me wonder what else this band has up their sleeve??? The thanks i get would be a great single, while lngca is straight up guitar rock at its finest. I do agree that they would have sounded a little out of place on sky blue sky, especially lngca. So if you havnt heard these bonus tracks do yourself a favor and check them out now. make yourself proud to be a fan of the best band...ever.

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i shall rank them:


"Let's Not Get Carried Away" - 3/5

"The Thanks I Get" - 4 1/2 /5

"One True Vine" - 2/5

"Theologians" [Live] - 5/5


- i actually heard LNGCA on vinyl last night and it does't sound anywhere nearly as neutered as my .mp3 version, but i still as if it isn't a fully realized song.

- took TTIG a while to grow on me (from the live versions), but i eventually came to love it and so the studio version is a fav. of mine. that live version on Conan? Letterman? from last year is fantastic.

- "One True Vine" is alright, but nothing special

- live "Theologians" should have been on Kicking Television. same goes for that iTunes bonus of "How To Fight Loneliness."


>it really makes me wonder what else this band has up their sleeve???


"Glad It's Over," "Let's Fight" and a re-worked version of "The Thanks I Get" for the next album is what i'm thinking. :-)



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Yeah, I'll add my voice to the "One True Vine" chorus of praise. One of my favourite Wilco songs, period, and safely the best of the bonuses. That piano figure is stunning (and stunningly catchy), and Tweedy's voice is at its most delicate. His phrasing is slight, but wow, it's spot on.


LNGCA is cute, I guess, in the same way that Ryan Adams's "Halloweenhead" is cute; it's just a big, dumb unselfconscious rock and roll song. A little goes a long way, so I'm glad it was left off the album.


"Thanks I Get," in spite of being pureed by the advertising world, is a perfect blue-eyed soul song.

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LGNCA was an iTunes bonus download and the b-side to the "What Light" 7".


the live "Theologians" and "One True Vine" were on a promo disc that indie record stores were giving out during the week of the album's release.




does anyone know how we who didn't get that disc could get a copy of those songs, "theologians live" and "one true vine"?

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hmm yeah maybe, i dunno if the thanks iget will get released again though, how many songs did they say they recorded for SBS? and of those have been released ?

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Actually, he said it might be on the next album, and he said it months before SBS streeted. If it's on the follow-up, I don't know, I'll eat my hat and post pictures of it on this forum.


The persistence of this rumour reminds me of the frankly bizarre one that dogged "The Good Part" for months after the band debuted it live. No, it was never in the running for SBS; no, we don't have any evidence that it was re-recorded during the sessions; yes, it's a great five-year-old song that they guys just felt like playing.

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i can't believe that anyone would think "lets not get..." is ridiculously good. tired, cliched, derivative is more like it. pity they didn't something, anything else on the b-side of what light. :ohwell

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LGNCA was an iTunes bonus download and the b-side to the "What Light" 7".


the live "Theologians" and "One True Vine" were on a promo disc that indie record stores were giving out during the week of the album's release.






I was able to score a copy of the bonus EP here at Reckless Records the week SBS came out, but I have been unable to find "Is That the Thanks" and LNGCA. Can somebody help with either of these two tracks?? Its looks like LNGCA is not even available on iTunes anymore.... "Thanks" I have no idea where to get. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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The Thanks I Get is a bonus track to Sky Blue Sky. It is part of the enhanced content you must buy the album and put it into a computer connected to the internet. And LNGCA is still available through iTunes. It is the 13th track of Sky Blue Sky. LNGCA is alright. I like drum solos and it's a better rocker than I'm A Wheel. One True Vine is awesome, but it definitely has that bonus track feel; wouldn't have worked on the record. I think The Thanks I Get is better live than the recorded version.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just listening to the 10-16-06 Springfield, MO show tonight and loving Let's Not Get Carried Away. Altogether an awesome show...a roller coaster, wheeee!!! Is LNGCA going to become one of those songs that never gets played? I see on Wilcobase that they haven't played it this year...I'm crossing my fingers for Little Rock.

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