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Sales of drugs like Oxycontin jumped 90 percent from 1997-2005

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I was at a Walgreen's over the weekend and saw a woman having to give her personal information and signature to purchase over the counter Sudafed. I guess "kids make meth with it"


What a police state...

I have absolutely no problem regulating the purchase of Sudafed. Have you seen what meth does to people?

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I agree that meth is the worst drug out there - But to have to sign for one box is a bit extreme.


I dont see the issue or feel its extreme. The active ingredient is a MAIN component of meth, and also the most easily obtainable (not to mention legal) form. People would walk into a Walgreens and buy out the entire store...I can assure you they didnt have colds that bad. I've signed for boxes before..it takes at most 2 minutes.

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It's ridiculous that you need to sign forms to buy OTC Sudafed regardless that it's an active ingrediant in making meth. There should either be a limit on how many you can purchase or if it's such a threat, make it a prescription drug.

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I've been taking Oxycontin for the last five years due to a back injury - I'm sure I would be dope sick if I just stopped - but I take it as directed and it has both saved my career and quality of life.

I took oxy for a few months for an injury and had to be put on a months long out patient program to get off these little devils.Be very very careful when weening yourself off these.DO NOT QUIT COLD TURKEY.Hell,I've gotten dope sick coming off vicodin.Please be careful.Long term use of these pain killers can't be good for your stomach and liver,please be careful buddy.I've seen many people go through some serious problems with these drugs,as well as myself.I have very bad back problems and am trying to find healthier alternatives,I know I would be right back to my addiction.Please be careful my friend.

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It's ridiculous that you need to sign forms to buy OTC Sudafed regardless that it's an active ingrediant in making meth. There should either be a limit on how many you can purchase or if it's such a threat, make it a prescription drug.

I think the forms are part of the effort to limit how many you can buy; otherwise you could just come in daily and start stockpiling.

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Yeah, it just seems like most folks easily accept the restrictions that are constantly being added to what were once freedoms. I know it's a small thing and takes two minutes, but cripes make the stuff illegal if it's such a problem. If toothpaste was the active ingrediant in meth I'd be ticked about having to fill out forms to buy that, too, though.

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I'm all for the new restrictions on stuff like sudafed, meth is awful, and it's about the best way to try and regulate it. I remember seeing a really good special on it on Frontline one time, really shed some light on the whole sales/production cycle of it. Sadly, until other countries manage to control their own ephedrin/pseudoephedrin, we'll just end up with meth cartels importing anyway. Maybe someday it'll get figured out.


I've known a couple people to have some prescription pill abuse problems, and I have a good friend who was very much dependent on various opiates and variations (including oxycontin) for a good long while. Luckily he's cleaned up. I think a lot of people don't really realize the dangers when it comes to something like this, because it is "prescription." There really ought to be some more controls, especially on the more serious stuff. Just my 2 cents. I stick to alcohol and an occasional smoke now and again. Everything can be abused...maybe people in this country just need to be more aware of abuse and what they can do?

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I'm all for the new restrictions on stuff like sudafed, meth is awful, and it's about the best way to try and regulate it. I remember seeing a really good special on it on Frontline one time, really shed some light on the whole sales/production cycle of it. Sadly, until other countries manage to control their own ephedrin/pseudoephedrin, we'll just end up with meth cartels importing anyway. Maybe someday it'll get figured out.


I've known a couple people to have some prescription pill abuse problems, and I have a good friend who was very much dependent on various opiates and variations (including oxycontin) for a good long while. Luckily he's cleaned up. I think a lot of people don't really realize the dangers when it comes to something like this, because it is "prescription." There really ought to be some more controls, especially on the more serious stuff. Just my 2 cents. I stick to alcohol and an occasional smoke now and again. Everything can be abused...maybe people in this country just need to be more aware of abuse and what they can do?



I saw that Frontline too. Great episode. Basically there are like 4 factories in the world that make the active ingredient in meth. Mostly in India. There was one point where the government was going to crack down on this and the drug companies won. After that meth has skyrocketed.

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oxycontin is like synthetic heroin. It should be illegal. People are holding up pharmacies for this stuff. It's not good.
See below.....pain killers are essential to people in pain.


I've been taking Oxycontin for the last five years due to a back injury - I'm sure I would be dope sick if I just stopped - but I take it as directed and it has both saved my career and quality of life.

My sympathies. I have taken it Vicodin when I had both kidney and Crohns issues and it is a freakin miricle when you take it and are in pain.



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i took wellbutrin when I tried to quit smoking. it's an antidepressant, but supposedly helps curb the urges for nicotine too. is stopped after 3 days of it because it felt like my synapses were buzzing and it made me feel so on edge it was insane.


Have you tried Chantix? You're supposed to be able to take it, just smoke like normal, and you'll gradually quit because it makes cigarettes taste bad.

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Have you tried Chantix? You're supposed to be able to take it, just smoke like normal, and you'll gradually quit because it makes cigarettes taste bad.


I have a friend who uses this. It has worked great for her so far. From what she tells me, you're spot on when saying, "it makes the cigarettes taste bad."

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I think addiction is a terrible disease. I also think some are more prone to "catching it" than others. However, I have trouble finding fault with pain killer sales. Like LB said, when you are in pain -- it's a miracle. I'll agree with that. I also have a lot of compassion for people who were prescribed an addictive medicine and now suffer from being addicted to that medication. However, I don't feel sorry for people who become meth addicts. The choice to take that drug was their choice -- just as taking any (drug) recreationally is. And drug problems will always be a part of our society.

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And in the old days, laudanum was very popular.

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