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Things I think are wrong with this country

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Man: Well, Well, I was told outside that...


Man: What?



M: Yes, but I came here for an argument!!

A: OH! Oh! I'm sorry! This is abuse!

M: Oh! Oh I see!

A: Aha! No, you want room 12A, next door.

M: Oh...Sorry...

A: Not at all!

A: (under his breath) stupid git.




Carry on. :lol

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No, you give me shit because you are full of it and thus have plenty to spare.

What a miserable existence it must be to have to constantly weigh every pleasure you enjoy against the number of people that die. How many people died waiting for an ambulance while you were typing up your replies?


Really, I would say quite the opposite

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I just find it odd that someone from another country voicing an opinion w/r/t the state of this country turns his stomach, yet, he has made a habit of defending GWB, who, had absolutely no problem voicing his opinion w/r/t how a country should be run by invading it, and, in the process, killings thousands upon thousands of civilians. Yet, someone voicing their opinion regarding things that are wrong with this country makes him nauseous, well, I guess that just makes me scratch my head, Jules.

I do consider myself a Republican, however I don't think I've made it a habit of defending President Bush. I just don't think he is the antichrist or follow the Bush bashing that is so popular these days.


I was trying to be sensitive to that.

Speaking for myself, I was trying to share another perspective and provide examples of different models of health care and govt. to give people some food for thought. My intention was to expand the conversation, not to take potshots at the US.

I did enjoy what you added. No disrespect.


I'll take a page from your probable hero, Bill O'Reilly: SHUT UP. Seriously, shut the fuck up, hypocrite. Remember your cut-and-pasted polemic against Canadian healthcare? I do.


And I'm willing to bet hard-earned money (which is something that is more important than people, don't forget) that if I were to scan this forum for posts that you've made, I could pluck out a number of other comments about Iraq, Afghanistan and any number of other non-American lands


Another thing I think is horribly wrong with America: you guys can shove it in all the fucking way, but you sure as hell can't take it.


We all have to bend over sooner or later, pal. When your economy is sliding into the toilet as a direct result of incompetent foreign and domestic policy, you should actually expect this kind of commentary. Especially when America makes it its business to fuck around on the world stage as a matter of course.


Some people just kill me. They really do.

I would not go gambling anytime soon. You should go scan and let me know what you find.

It's not nice to call names.

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How is questioning the viability and/or the challenging of a universal heathcare plan 'selfish gratification'? some of the responses from both yourself and the ever chipper Maker, make it sound like anyone who does so is some sort of callous murderer. it's a great concept, but to say it's as easy as flicking a switch is naive AND for two cats that seem pretty down on how the US government functions...you both seem pretty comfortable w/ them managing everybody's healthcare.


that's part of my fear...i really don't want the bueracracy and mismanagement that may possibly come with that.


Ikol - What a miserable existence it must be to have to constantly weigh every pleasure you enjoy against the number of people that die.


Honestly EL, I have absolutely no idea

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Will I get to beat the livin' bejesus out of every alcoholic I see? How about smokers?

For the record, I don't eat at McDonald's.


In short yes, If we as a collective become responsible for the health of every other person in this country wouldn't it make sense that it is our duty to stop people from doing harm to themselves, sometimes we may be called upon to throw a beatin on someone in order to help them help themselves. Hell if we're all on a great government run health plan and their is equal care for everyone, I would hope some one would kick my ass if they caught me smoking or drinking or banging some hooker. What do I have do fear, I'm covered.

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I think the sentence I quoted is stupid.





I have yet to have a positive experience in an ER, that's why I was curious.


when my grandmother had symptoms of a heart attack a few months back, she and my dad spent the entire night in an ER waiting room only to leave in the morning once they realized they were never going to get to see a health professional...

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I have yet to have a positive experience in an ER, that's why I was curious.


when my grandmother had symptoms of a heart attack a few months back, she and my dad spent the entire night in an ER waiting room only to leave in the morning once they realized they were never going to get to see a health professional...


Yeah, I'm on the other side, although my ER experiences are relatively few (knock on wood). I guess it's all about perspective. I don't mean to imply there are no issues, but there are some fine ERs out there, and I didn't like the generalization by the Treehugger. "any large public hospital in this country"

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Yeah, I'm on the other side, although my ER experiences are relatively few (knock on wood). I guess it's all about perspective. I don't mean to imply there are no issues, but there are some fine ERs out there, and I didn't like the generalization by the Treehugger. "any large public hospital in this country"








""The situation is grave," said Dr. Michael Gerardi, a spokesman for the emergency doctors' group, American College of Emergency Physicians. "We are a symptom of the disease that is the health care system."


In many areas of the country, especially in cities because of large numbers of uninsured people, emergency rooms are crushing under the increased volume and patient care is often compromised, doctors insisted.


"We are not adapting very well," said Dr. Daniel Higgins, the medical director of emergency service at Saint Francis Medical Center in Lynwood, Calif., where 27 percent of the patients are uninsured and emergency room visits have risen 13 percent in five years."

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All I said was that I didn't think healthcare was a right and that I don't believe it should be provided by the government. From that, you inferred that I valued money over people and that I was responsible for thousands of people dying. My statement about weighing every pleasure against the number of people that die was a direct response to that.


The Founding Fathers declared that we are "endowed with unalienable rights, among them are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Does it not then follow that in order to have life we must have health? Hell, the

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