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Things I think are wrong with this country

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Around here, the lights on the house go up the day after Thanksgiving and the tree gets chopped down 1-2 weekends before the 25th. Everything gets put away/recycled Jan. 1.


Even this is a little long, but I really like having Christmas lights up on the porch/house and the fake candles in the window. Such a nice vibe if done right.


Yeah, day after thanksgiving sounds early but isnt that bad if its nice out. You would think you should celebrate autumn and thanksgiving before winter and Christmas. After the new year would be a good time to take things down. I'm glad this doesnt happen in my neighborhood but have seen houses that keep christmas lights up all year long. Ghetto to see christmas lights stuck up on the house during summer.

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Maybe if the weather is nice out on friday after thanksgiving, it would be a nice time to put up lights since most people have the day off work anyways. Feels a bit early, but would be convienent.

Just for the record, it's been pretty bitterly cold the day after Thanksgiving around here the last few years, but this 'ol boy forges ahead with the tradition.

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Ya'll be careful with ladders, rooftops and such. Folks always think it won't happen to them........or at least that's what they say when we see them in our clinic each holiday season.


HA! I know. So many times I have been standing on the very top of my ladder tip toeing and reaching and losing my balance only to just regain it. Thoughts of falling and what it will bring. Its a dangerous job, the things I do for some decorations.

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The irredeemable assholes behind these decisions should be held fully accountable if so much as one patient died as a result of a policy cancellation - put behind bars for life.


Fucking assholes, every single one of them.

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Nice huh? Typical corporate shit. I'm all for making a profit and whatnot but the way some corporations go about it....Case in point, I work(ed) for a large fortune 500 company until 2 weeks ago. Back in early September I got really sick. I had Necrotizing Fasciitis (sp?) otherwise known as flesh eating bacteria. I was in the hospital for 11 days and had 2 major surgeries where they pretty much removed most of the flesh from my right upper thigh. So 2 days after my first surgey as I'm laying in the hospital all doped up on morophine this jerk of a boss calls me to ask some questions about some work related crap. He comes and visits me the day after to ask some more stuff. Tells me to take care of myself, they want me to get better, I'm a valuable asset, blah blah blah. I get oput of the hospital after almost 2 weeks then have to convalesce and get physical therapy. I'm out of work from the first week in September until the 29th of October.


I go into work 2 weeks ago and they (my boss and the VP) tell me they need to see me. They pretty much tell me that they had some job cuts while I was out and unfortunately my job was one of them. The bastards waited until I was cleared to return to work (no longer on FMLA leave) and axed me, fully knowing that while I was in the hospital they were gonna let me go. Not back for 30 minutes after a seriously life threatning illness and I'm gonzo. The give me the line about its just a financial decision and that I'm great and all that shit. I find out that in my ex-company 600 people have been laid off because of "less than expected quarterly earnings". By the way the company also announced plans to hire 400 people in their new service center in India.


They waited until I had signed the release from FMLA leave and then lowered the boom. So now I have a shitty little pittance of a severance deal, a shit load of medical bills to pay (insurance doesn't cover everything) , I'm gonna have to cash in my 401K to live on (which is actually quite large but I guess I'll never be able to retire) and I have to face the prospects of trying to find a decent salary at the age of 41 where it will be easier for someone to hire a younger person who will work for less.


What a great company huh? Every time I see the pip squeek who founded it on TV wearing his little American Flag lapel pin I want to puke. He really cares. I can't really name the company as it would negate the severance deal I signed, but I'm sure most of you would know the name if I were to say it.....or mention the fact that our beloved founder ran un-succesfully for president in 1992 and 1996.

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I am so sorry to hear your story darkstar.....that is a tragic.





Yeah....well every cloud has a silver lining right? The good thing is that I'm free of that place. The job was killing me pretty much. They discovered that I am diabetic when I was in the hospital, so I have had to make some major changes in lifestyle. I was so miserable in that job that I pretty much had been on a 4 year bender, getting drunk and stoned most every night just to deal with the stress. Since September when I went in I have been totally clean, no booze, no herb, eating better, exercising, etc so it's pretty great. I sort of need that kick in the ass I guess. I hated my job but it paid well and if you get right down to it I'm kind of lazy and didn't want to deal with looking for a new gig, now I have to. I'm amazed I've been so positive about it all to be honest. I'm kind of a "glass is half empty" type of guy. It actually is the best thing that could have happened.


I figure I'm lucky as hell. The doctors were telling me I almost died from that infection. They almost had to amputate my right leg from the waist down, that flesh eating bacteria is some seriously nasty stuff, almost half of those that get it end up dying. So I figure if I could beat that stuff I can take anything.


Just think the way my company went about it really sucked.

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what? why?


Just trying to make a little grim.


Problem with this thread, I read the first 10 pages and saw not even a mention of that four-letter word where blood has been spilling for, what......56 months now? :dontgetit

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Yeah....well every cloud has a silver lining right? The good thing is that I'm free of that place. The job was killing me pretty much. They discovered that I am diabetic when I was in the hospital, so I have had to make some major changes in lifestyle. I was so miserable in that job that I pretty much had been on a 4 year bender, getting drunk and stoned most every night just to deal with the stress. Since September when I went in I have been totally clean, no booze, no herb, eating better, exercising, etc so it's pretty great. I sort of need that kick in the ass I guess. I hated my job but it paid well and if you get right down to it I'm kind of lazy and didn't want to deal with looking for a new gig, now I have to. I'm amazed I've been so positive about it all to be honest. I'm kind of a "glass is half empty" type of guy. It actually is the best thing that could have happened.


I figure I'm lucky as hell. The doctors were telling me I almost died from that infection. They almost had to amputate my right leg from the waist down, that flesh eating bacteria is some seriously nasty stuff, almost half of those that get it end up dying. So I figure if I could beat that stuff I can take anything.


Just think the way my company went about it really sucked.


Thats a great attitude darkstar. I think you got it right on the money. Live a better life now, you werent happy and now you are.


Corporations suck, all of them, counting on them is a mistake. When it comes down to it, its all business. Find a job more to your liking.

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all corporations, in and of themsleves, do not suck. some certain corporations and some aspects of certain coporations can suck. i can find countless number of things that frustrate me about the big one i work for, but it provides a good life for me and my family and some of the products we've released have (arguably) done a lot of good for folks.


what happened to darkstar does indeed suck and it's encoraging to see the whole thing, while frustrating, hasn't dampened your spirit...it is indeed an opportunity for you find happiness in life. best of luck.

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