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Recommendations for good music

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You could give Mogwai a try, or perhaps Explosions In The Sky.


If you like spacey, instrumental driven rock it just might work for you. Any of their albums would be fine to start with.....in my opinion.

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Oh the Grateful Dead are totally under-appreciated..... :lol



Yeah, it's a cryin' shame I tell ya. :P

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Here's a few newish bands - all of which have had great albums out this year - all with handy myspace links (aren't i kind of heart?):


citay (sound like acoustic led zeppelin)

lavender diamond (like how pop music should be)

panda bear (not the beatles, but the beach boys)

gruff rhys (not a new talent, by a long stretch - but a new album, none-the-less)

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I hit the wall last week when someone suggested that Van Morrisson was underappreciated....




I didn't start the thread, but I made that observation. I was born after his initial great run (Astral - Veedon) so maybe my perspective is skewed. All I know is I feel he has a body of work that stands comfortably alongside many of his contemporaries, and yet he doesn't seem to share the same acclaim. The kids today seem to love Dylan, the Beatles, the Who, the Stones, etc. Van Morrison? Not so much. I don't hear his name mentioned nearly as often. I'm not saying Van Morrison has wallowed in obscurity, I just feel, in comparison to others of similar accomplishment, he gets somewhat overlooked. I could be wrong. To me, he's underappreciated. You could have a completely different - and better - perspective. I can accept that. Forgive me for calling him underappreciated. Now can we never mention this again.


Sorry for hijacking the thread. Back to the topic at hand:


Jens Lekman - "Night Falls Over Kortedala." Check it out. It's not his best, but it's real good. Although, I will admit, it's not for everyone.

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