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Happy Birthday Froggie!

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thanks guys! :cheers :beer



For me, please go to a bar, get piss drunk, get out a guitar and play "Acuff Rose" solo acoustic. Then, take one (or two) of those busty barmaids home and enjoy your happy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!



done!. i'll send you a recording of it... err, of the tune - not from what happened when i took maria and zoe home :lol



basically had a drinking -> bbq -> drinking -> dinner -> drinking type day


fucking security guard at the end of the night - i ducked out for a smoke from the pub and he wouldnt let me back in cause i'd "been there for 7 hours" - i wasnt even swaying sideways or slurring any words (just tipsy after a 12 hour bender). lucky we were winding down and there were only 2 other people up there and we were pretty much ready to leave.


if that security didnt have the power to call the cops, i would have had word with him with my fists, since he was a srawny little bastard


apart from that, great day!

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I hope I'm not too late to join in the wild rumpus in celebration of the world's coolest Froggie! Here you go Mende, a cake befitting your lovely and legendary self!



May the year ahead be the best one (yet) of your life! :cheers


We love ya, man. B) :banana :banana :bounce8 :party

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