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so ive recently fell into a huge dave matthews thing, im not too big of a dmb fan but the tim reynolds stuff is amazing. I can get ever aspect of grace is gone down except for the verse ("neon shines through smokey eyes.....) can anyone direct me to a tab, dmbtabs.com has proven useless, and i usually have good luck there thanks!

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Dave seems like a really cool guy. Every time I see him talking (interviewed, stage banter, whatever) I think that he would just be a great guy to hang out with.


I just don't like his music. I wish that I did, because I like him. But, just...


But he did go about his career the right way. Constant touring and grassroots support.


Anyway. Love for the man.

Wish I liked his music.

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  mjpuczko said:
Todd, he does seem like a great guy. Too bad his music's turning into Sting. i still like pretty much everything pre-busted stuff

I thought Lillywhite/Busted Stuff was a considerable step up from the albums that preceded/followed it. That one and Under the Table are the only ones I still listen to.


You're right about turning into Sting, tho.

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Everyday was the end of my love as well (I was mid a mid-90's uber fan as well). Although I enjoyed some of the songs live when I saw them in 2004. I think Everyday represented when they just started phoning it in


The Lillywhite Sessions were before Everyday and Busted Stuff was after that , but BS was basically just the LWS with two new songs.

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  imsjry said:
I actually thought I'd completly grown out of Dave until I heard this new acoustic disc. It is fantastic. It made me realize that the problem isn't with Dave, it's that his band is awful.


i totally agree, i get real dissapointed when i hear some of my dmb fans talk bout all the great live dmb, when all live dmb is the same!!! thats why im a big fan of dave/tim, tim is crazy talented and dave's songwriting is tremendous, i consider dmb to like, intro jam for people who go to state colleges and dont know shit bout jam bands

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  jmacomber16 said:
i totally agree, i get real dissapointed when i hear some of my dmb fans talk bout all the great live dmb, when all live dmb is the same!!! thats why im a big fan of dave/tim, tim is crazy talented and dave's songwriting is tremendous, i consider dmb to like, intro jam for people who go to state colleges and dont know shit bout jam bands

Yeah, its funny. The Dave/Tim shows surprise me how much I enjoy them (relative to the full-band stuff anymore), because it kind of runs against my typical logic--that the band is talented, but I just figured that Dave himself just got stagnant over the years. Which might be true also, since I really don't connect with much of the latter-day output, but Dave does still sound good in a stripped-down setting, which kind of throws a snag in the theory the he was the problem. (at least not the sole problem)


Maybe it just helps to hear the songs in a different context. Kind of like how Tweedy's solo shows cast a different light on songs or sometimes let me hear songs anew that I had grown a little too used to. Its kind of true that all live DMB tends to sound the same. They are a talented live band, but something about the sound becomes monotonous, I guess, so it helps to hear the songs get re-framed from time to time.


BTW, I was going to take issue with your state colleges jab, but I'll let it slide. :lol

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