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9/11 - An Inside Job?!?

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I know this may very well be a touchy subject. I've never really discussed it with too many people. I know there are a few of you on the board who were very much personally affected and for that my sympathies and prayers go out to you and yours. I myself had four friends who lived and worked in the city on that day. They were very much affected by it obviously and that day still haunts them.


I have a new friend who has sent me a ton of footage that I am slowly working through. My first two questions so far for those of you who have seen/heard this much...


How do you propose the reporter from the BBC got wind of WTC 7 falling before it happened? She was reporting on it while it was still standing up behind her.


How do you propose Guliani knew to get out of WTC 7? He says in later days he was not told to leave ahead of time, but on that day he's videotaped saying they were "warned" to get out.


And the guy who owned the building(s) supposedly took out a ridiculous sized insurance policy only days before this disaster occurred.




Let me make one thing clear. I am NOT stating who's right or who's wrong. I'm just going by what I've listened to, viewed or read and questioning it. I am looking for other people's opinions/feeling or thoughts.


And, again, for those of you personally affected...no matter why, no matter how this really happened...I am so sorry

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Even more than the Kennedy thing, there's no way something as complicated as what happened on 9/11 could be staged, then concealed for six years. I am under the impression that most, if not all, of these conspiracy allegations have been debunked by people who actually know what they're talking about, as opposed to paranoiacs, pseudo-experts and people with too much time on their hands and connections to the Internet.

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Wasn't that j.bickerson?

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i personally think the government knew it was going to happen, and allowed it to happen in order to declare their war on terrorism.


seriously, how can you look at all the events of that day and not think something is fishy about it? it's sad that people believe everything they're told on the news.

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I'm not saying this is the authoritative word, but it's worth looking at...


Popular Mechanics - Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories


It's been often said, but I think it bears repeating/asking again: Am I supposed to believe the Bush Administration, which has a pretty good track record of screwing things up, was competent enough and skilled enough to pull off this cover-up?


it's sad that people believe everything they're told on the news.


...or what they witness with their own two eyes.

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i personally think the government knew it was going to happen, and allowed it to happen in order to declare their war on terrorism.


seriously, how can you look at all the events of that day and not think something is fishy about it? it's sad that people believe everything they're told on the news.

I don't want to come off as being ageist, but the older I get, the more I realize chaos is the dominating feature of the universe. People like to think things happen for a reason, but oftentimes they don't.

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People like to think things happen for a reason, but oftentimes they don't.

Hence, the continuing popularity of religion.


I tend to agree that there's no way that the incompetent fucks W has surrounded himself with could have pulled this off.


Man I also hope this thread doesn't go off the rails.

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Am I supposed to believe the Bush Administration, which has a pretty good track record of screwing things up, was competent enough and skilled enough to pull off this cover-up?



While your statement certainly makes me chuckle and is quite true, the information I've been viewing dates this event and others to well before we ever head of George Dubya. IF ANY of it's true, it falls on the shoulders of much bigger, richer, more powerful men than are in our government or ATTEMPT to run our country.

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Like who? The Bavarian Illuminati? The Freemasons? The Gnomes of Zurich? The Bilderbergers? Warren Buffett?

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While your statement certainly makes me chuckle and is quite true, the information I've been viewing dates this event and others to well before we ever head of George Dubya. IF ANY of it's true, it falls on the shoulders of much bigger, richer, more powerful men than are in our government or ATTEMPT to run our country.





trust no one

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you are sort of maybe accusing them of - no way.



Let me make one thing clear. I am NOT stating who's right or who's wrong. I'm just going by what I've listened to, viewed or read and questioning it. I am looking for other people's opinions/feeling or thoughts.



If you read what I started this with...I'm NOT accusing anyone of anything!!!



Btw, one more thought...$100 million spent investigating Clinton's blow jobs, but only $3 million allocated to the original investigation of 9/11 and then raised to a whole $14 million...conspiracy or not...that just sickens me!!!


There are people on this board who lost people that day.



Ummm...I'm well aware, hence what I wrote!

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Btw, one more thought...$100 million spent investigating Clinton's blow jobs, but only $3 million allocated to the original investigation of 9/11 and then raised to a whole $14 million...conspiracy or not...that just sickens me!!!

I agree with you there. The way this administration tried to throw anything they could in the way of the 9/11 Commission is a crying shame. And the thing is, I don't really blame Bush, Clinton, or anybody else, really, for not connecting the dots. The terrorists were able to exploit lax security and poor interagency communication. And since neither has gotten much better, it could happen all over again.

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Do people really believe Bush wanted to invade Iraq that much?

And he needed something like 9/11 to get public support for it?

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