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New Death Cab for Cutie album: May 2008

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I hadn't ever really heard any DCFC before I saw them tour with Ben Kweller a couple of years back, and their live show won me over. What was great about it was that you could tell they were having a great time playing. You could see how happy they were to be playing together, and that was really cool. Since then I've picked up all the albums.


No name yet for the new album, but it does have a release month: May 2008. You can check out a little video of them in the studio on their website.

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Plans had a few great songs but as an album was a bit of a letdown. I'm definitely looking forward to hear what they're bringing in '08!



honestly i'd put Plans behind not only Trans and Photo album, but also Facts and Airplanes too. definitely my least favorite of their proper studio full lengths. not to say it's bad, just disappointing comparatively. i don't care for these songs off it much at all:


Soul Meets Body (what a terrible choice for a first single. most of the song isn't so bad but the way Ben sings "Soul meeeeets boooodeeeeee" makes my nuts shrivel up)


Different Names (eh. it's not so bad once it gets going, but the intro up until the half point mark = total Phil Collins, blech)


Your Heart Is An Empty Room (just kinda dull honestly)

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I really liked Plans. Of course, I loved Trans., so it's rather hard to top something like that.


I think "Marching Bands of Manhattan" stands up with their best songs. Add me to the Photo Album and Transatlanticism are their best records contingent. I really learned to like Plans, but it was a grower for me. It just couldn't live up to the two previous albums, which were awesome.

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Hmm, Soul Meets Body, Different Names, and Heart is an Empty Room were all great tracks for me. The only songs I had problems with on the album were Summer Skin (oh so boring), and Someday You Will Be Loved. Other than that, I thought it was great, and I'd rank it just below Transatlanticism and Photo Album. I'm really looking forward to the new album.

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yeah Somedcay You Will Be Loved is pretty cheesedick too i must add, but i like the melody. they've always been borderline emo, but some of the lyrics on Plans were way too overwrought for me, that song and What Sarah Said for example (touching song though).


Marching Bands is definitely my favorite song on that album, no doubt.

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i love me some death cab. in fact, i was listening to the whole of transatlanticism and plans just yesterday...and the shins too.


on a semi-related note, both the most recent death cab and shins records seem to have been labeled as weaker than their previous output. i don't like to compare album to album because it takes the enjoyment out of it for me. if i like it, i like it. what came before shouldn't have any bearing. but, that's just me. i'm always looking forward to what these bands have coming up next regardless because i'm a fan.

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i love me some death cab. in fact, i was listening to the whole of transatlanticism and plans just yesterday...and the shins too.


on a semi-related note, both the most recent death cab and shins records seem to have been labeled as weaker than their previous output. i don't like to compare album to album because it takes the enjoyment out of it for me. if i like it, i like it. what came before shouldn't have any bearing. but, that's just me. i'm always looking forward to what these bands have coming up next regardless because i'm a fan.

not even comparing The Shins latest to their previous 2 it's a weak album for me. 4-5 really good songs, but a lot of dull stuff too. but when you do in fact listen to their 3 albums as a whole, it's incredibly obvious to me that the melodies and hooks aren't nearly as strong or the music as interesting. i wish i could say that the Shins latest was great, just not as good as the first 2, but i can't. whereas Plans is a really good album, just not DC's best by any means.

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not even comparing The Shins latest to their previous 2 it's a weak album for me. 4-5 really good songs, but a lot of dull stuff too. but when you do in fact listen to their 3 albums as a whole, it's incredibly obvious to me that the melodies and hooks aren't nearly as strong or the music as interesting. i wish i could say that the Shins latest was great, just not as good as the first 2, but i can't. whereas Plans is a really good album, just not DC's best by any means.

well...for me, i just hit shuffle for whatever particular artist. i don't necessarily have to listen to the whole album proper. i guess i just don't dwell on it that much. i just throw the newest collection of songs on the pile and enjoy.

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