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I have to make a cd of "hold music" for my work. Any suggestions?

Yeah actually.

Stay away from the classics.


It's neat when while waiting on hold something pops up that's pretty eclectic and along the same lines as something I'd listen to myself.

Once, long before the album "Rainy day Music" was even released I was put on hold and the Jayhawks Save It For A Rainy Day came on.

And I thought...how totally cool is that!





Hold On - Tom Waits


Anything by Waits.

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I have to make a cd of "hold music" for my work. Any suggestions?

Just FYI ... if your company cares about such things, the hold music you play is subject to BMI and ASCAP licensing. Unless you use music that is royalty-free, your employer is technically supposed to hand a wad of money over to BMI/ASCAP. A decade ago that would have been about $1600 total per year; it may be more now.


I only know this because I was charged with the same task several years ago for a company I used to work for. My employer eventually decided to go with royalty-free music, which was godawful to listen to but kept them out of trouble.


I don't know what the chances are that someone would bother to check up on your company's licensing status, but you should at least know what you're (potentially) getting your employer into.


If you can justify the cost, Muzak actually has some pretty cool music channels, and when you subscribe with them the licensing fees are included. Their service is cheaper than purchasing BMI/ASCAP licenses separately (or at least it was in the mid-'90s).

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Just FYI ... if your company cares about such things, the hold music you play is subject to BMI and ASCAP licensing. Unless you use music that is royalty-free, your employer is technically supposed to hand a wad of money over to BMI/ASCAP. A decade ago that would have been about $1600 total; it may be more now.


I only know this because I was charged with the same task several years ago for a company I used to work for. My employer eventually decided to go with royalty-free music, which was godawful to listen to but kept them out of trouble.


I don't know what the chances are that someone would bother to check up on your company's licensing status, but you should at least know what you're (potentially) getting your employer into.


If you can justify the cost, Muzak actually has some pretty cool music channels, and when you subscribe with them the licensing fees are included. Their service is cheaper than purchasing BMI/ASCAP licenses separately (or at least it was in the mid-'90s).



How do you get royalty free music. Is there anything that is royalty free that is good? What about radio stations? Do I have to get permission to play a radio station on hold, is that a bad idea?

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How do you get royalty free music. Is there anything that is royalty free that is good? What about radio stations? Do I have to get permission to play a radio station on hold, is that a bad idea?

Google "royalty-free music" and you should find some stuff.


A radio station is the same deal as a CD -- licensing required. I believe that putting any BMI/ASCAP music over your phone system constitutes a "public performance" or some such, regardless of whether it comes from the radio or a CD or other source.


It totally sucks, because hold music seems like a pretty harmless thing, but that's the way the rules are written. Technically, your local bar that plays music over their speakers has to get the same licensing. Whether they do or not is up to them, of course, but there's that risk that someone's going to check up on their licensing status.


Sorry to be a downer ... I wish things weren't this way.

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What about radio stations? Do I have to get permission to play a radio station on hold, is that a bad idea?


A radio station is the same deal as a CD -- licensing required. I believe that putting any BMI/ASCAP music over your phone system constitutes a "public performance" or some such, regardless of whether it comes from the radio or a CD or other source.

Damn. We do that at my work :ohwell

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My knowledge in this area is pretty old by now, so don't necessarily take my word for it. But I think what I said is still true.

No -- I think you're still correct. There are some really dive/hip/indie places for bands locally who don't pay the BMI/ASCAP thing either and there are signs there about not playing covers for the same reason. Interesting.

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A radio station is the same deal as a CD -- licensing required. I believe that putting any BMI/ASCAP music over your phone system constitutes a "public performance" or some such, regardless of whether it comes from the radio or a CD or other source.


It totally sucks, because hold music seems like a pretty harmless thing, but that's the way the rules are written. Technically, your local bar that plays music over their speakers has to get the same licensing. Whether they do or not is up to them, of course, but there's that risk that someone's going to check up on their licensing status.


Sorry to be a downer ... I wish things weren't this way.

Yeah BMI/ASCAP can basically charge for any sort of playing of music beyond strictly your own usage. I don't know how aggressively they go after hold music, stores, or other areas, but I do know that they have on occasion targeted bars/restaurants in order to rake in the $$$ and Muzak has certainly profited from the whole deal by being able to work their way into the system. On the plus side at least BMI/ASCAP money is going to composers/musicians in the end.

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