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The Mars Volta?

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I was a HUGE ATDI fan.



I liked Sparta's first record. Their others are pretty mediocre.



I love TMV, however.



I think all their albums are great. The new one is more focused and is very enjoyable. Amputechture...I can see why people don't like it...is still very good in my opinion.



TMV are excellent live as well. Can't wait to see them this April.

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I've pushed them away for so long, but I gave the new one a shot. Keep in mind, it's really not up my alley musically, but I enjoyed the first couple tracks a bit. However, the album just drags with so many ideas thrown in and no real direction or cohesiveness IMO. It's quite a tough listen top to bottom.

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I've pushed them away for so long, but I gave the new one a shot. Keep in mind, it's really not up my alley musically, but I enjoyed the first couple tracks a bit. However, the album just drags with so many ideas thrown in and no real direction or cohesiveness IMO. It's quite a tough listen top to bottom.




Eh...the only problem I have with the new album is some songs sound similar, but that could be just Omar's production.



The songs are pretty much just that, songs with a verse chorus and a bridge. It's not like that pulled a Mr. Bungle or anything.



Also pumped about seeing them twice in April.



Wilco twice in March.



What a great way to start off a 2008.

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I'm a big MV fan... got tickets to see them in London next month. Looking forward to it. I think each of their albums has plenty to recommend. I've also really enjoyed Omar's solo album.


Not so much of a fan of Sparta, the first album is ok.


As for ATDI, well, there's nothing that needs to be said. Great band. Just a shame I never caught them live.

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