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"Tonight The Sky" riff = Ohio by Neil Young


killer song


this album fucking slays. even coming close to being better than Ghosts of the Great Highway seemed next to impossible to me, but so far this thing is off to a great start.


edit: fuck... "Like The River" with Oldham on backing vocals... wow

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My wife is tormented now. She pre-ordered the album, and the book and bonus CD yesterday. Needless to say she is a HUGE Kozelek fan. She is seeing him in Minneapolis in June as well.


She is torn between listening to the myspace stream and waiting for the arrival in the mail.

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My wife is tormented now. She pre-ordered the album, and the book and bonus CD yesterday. Needless to say she is a HUGE Kozelek fan. She is seeing him in Minneapolis in June as well.


She is torn between listening to the myspace stream and waiting for the arrival in the mail.



unfortunately he is terrible live solo. i hope he is better with a band. as far as the album, Ghosts was a lot better. more memorable.

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He may be hit or miss solo, but he's not terrible. I've seen him put on absolutely stellar shows before too.


As for a band... i'll believe a full band Sun Kil Moon show when i see it in person, because it's yet to happen yet (i know it's supposedly going to happen later this fall though).


As for April... i didn't think it was possible to come close to Ghosts, but so far this most certainly does. how can you say something isn't memorable after listening maybe what, 2 times so far? *shrug*

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unfortunately he is terrible live solo. i hope he is better with a band. as far as the album, Ghosts was a lot better. more memorable.

That would be the equivalent of me saying our first-born child is ugly, haha. I will let her judge for herself.

"As for the album"? You are reviewing the new one already, after it's been out for about half a day? I can't imagine anything with Kozelek being an instant grabber for someone who isn't a big fan. I am sure it will only get better with age.

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for the most part, the album is much more laidback and relaxing than i expected. some pretty intricate guitarwork throughout. isn't as lush as Ghosts was, and so it's a bit of a return to Red House Painters material in that respect. this one's gonna grow a lot, i think...listening to it for the 2nd time now, "Lost Verses" has got to be hands-down one of the best things Kozelek's ever done.

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He may be hit or miss solo, but he's not terrible. I've seen him put on absolutely stellar shows before too.


As for a band... i'll believe a full band Sun Kil Moon show when i see it in person, because it's yet to happen yet (i know it's supposedly going to happen later this fall though).


As for April... i didn't think it was possible to come close to Ghosts, but so far this most certainly does. how can you say something isn't memorable after listening maybe what, 2 times so far? *shrug*



to each his own. he's at least touch and go live. playing all songs in the same key with no distinction between songs. starting and the stopping songs. talking to people during a song. just not what i was expecting after hearing such meticulously produced records.

as far as April goes, yes i am reviewing it. why not? paste, with it's new system, said it was a Masterpiece. the review highlighted all these classic rock riffs etc. well, the album is pleasant, but is just not blowing me away like Ghosts.


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man, this is growing on me already. vocal harmonies throughout are top-notch, especially the ones with bonnie prince billy and will oldham.


i wonder which songs have will and which have bonnie billy :dancing

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We are aware they are one in the same?



of course eradicator...care for a game of squash? :shifty


just wanted to make sure people were paying attention...since no one else seems to be willing to talk about this except to correct my error, which was intended as a joke.


loving this album, guys. loving it.


trevor, you joker. doesn't palace sing on this album too?

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